我正在尝试在SceneKit中重新编码相机管理。 为此,我使用UIPanGestureRecognizer围绕一个物体旋转相机(在这种情况下围绕场景中心)。
import SceneKit
import UIKit
class SceneManager
private let scene: SCNScene
private let view: SCNView
private let camera: SCNNode
private let cameraOrbit: SCNNode
private let cameraRadius: Float
init(view: SCNView, assetFolder: String, sceneName: String, cameraName: String, backgroundColor: UIColor) {
self.view = view
self.scene = SCNScene(named: (assetFolder + "/" + sceneName))!
if (self.scene.rootNode.childNodeWithName(cameraName, recursively: true) == nil) {
print("Fatal error: Cannot find camera in scene with name :\"", cameraName, "\"")
self.camera = self.scene.rootNode.childNodeWithName(cameraName, recursively: true)! // Retrieve cameraNode created in scene file
self.cameraOrbit = SCNNode()
self.cameraRadius = sqrt(pow((self.camera.position.x), 2) + pow(self.camera.position.y, 2)) // CameraOrbit radius for rotation camera in panHandler
let panGesture = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(panHandler(_:)))
panGesture.maximumNumberOfTouches = 1
self.view.backgroundColor = backgroundColor
self.view.pointOfView = self.camera
self.view.scene = self.scene
@objc private func panHandler(sender: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let alpha = cos(self.camera.position.z / self.cameraRadius) // Get angle of camera
// --
print(self.camera.position) // <-------- (X, Y, Z) The axes position are always the same
// --
var ratioX = 1 - ((CGFloat)(alpha) / (CGFloat)(M_PI)) // Get the radio with angle for apply to Z and X axes rotation
var ratioZ = ((CGFloat)(alpha) / (CGFloat)(M_PI))
// Change direction of rotation depending camera's position in trigonometric circle
if (self.camera.position.z > 0 && self.camera.position.x < 0) {
ratioZ *= -1
} else if (self.camera.position.z < 0 && self.camera.position.x < 0) {
ratioX *= -1
ratioZ *= -1
} else if (self.camera.position.z > 0 && self.camera.position.x > 0) {
ratioX *= -1
// Set the angle rotation to add at imaginary sphere (cameraOrbit)
let xAngleToAdd = (sender.velocityInView(sender.view!).y / 10000) * ratioX
let yAngleToAdd = (sender.velocityInView(sender.view!).x / 10000) * (-1)
let zAngleToAdd = (sender.velocityInView(sender.view!).y / 10000) * ratioZ
let rotation = SCNAction.rotateByX(xAngleToAdd, y: yAngleToAdd, z: zAngleToAdd, duration: 0.5)
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