
时间:2016-07-21 21:59:20

标签: java linux windows git core.autocrlf


我们的整个团队在Windows上开发,我们的应用程序部署到Linux。我想使用.gitattributes来控制整个策略,这样就无需担心更改其设置。我的.gitattributes文件的当前配置如下,稍微修改了this git repo



  1. 开发人员不必担心更改Git中的设置等。

  2. 克隆存储库不应该使其处于修改状态 结果,在结账时自动执行结束更改 要求开发人员提交他/她没有更改的文件

  3. 我们的Jenkins服务器在Linux上。当它克隆存储库时,它也应该没有修改状态
  4. 我将.gitattributes文件更改为以下内容并删除了索引,由于行结尾,我现在有超过3000个文件待提交。如果我这样做,我的问题会不会得到解决,我的上述要求是否会得到满足?

    # Handle line endings automatically for files detected as text
    # and leave all files detected as binary untouched.
    * text=auto
    # The above will handle all files NOT found below
    # These files are text and should be normalized (Convert crlf => lf)
    *.css text
    *.df text
    *.htm text
    *.html text
    *.java text
    *.js text
    *.json text
    *.jsp text
    *.jspf text
    *.properties text
    *.sh text
    *.tld text
    *.txt text
    *.xml text
    *.conf text
    *.xsd text
    *.jrxml text
    *.vm text
    *.prefs text
    *.dtd text
    *.crt text
    *.key text
    *.ccf text
    *.prefs text
    # These files are binary and should be left untouched
    # (binary is a macro for -text -diff)
    *.class binary
    *.dll binary
    *.ear binary
    *.gif binary
    *.ico binary
    *.jar binary
    *.jpg binary
    *.jpeg binary
    *.png binary
    *.so binary
    *.war binary
    *.swf binary
    *.bmp binary
    *.doc binary
    *.docx binary
    *.dotx binary
    *.pdf binary
    *.xls binary
    *.xlsx binary
    *.xlsm binary
    *.xltm binary
    *.ttf binary

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