
时间:2016-07-21 19:57:12

标签: solr

我的搜索系统在Solr 4.9中运行良好,具有开箱即用的配置和架构。

在Solr 6.2中,结果中返回了突出显示条目,但它们仅包含文档ID - 没有突出显示文本。



q = mike& rows = 10& start = 0& sort = score desc,last_modified desc& wt = json& fl = content_type,fsb_doctype,author,id,last_modified,subject,title,score,url& hl = true& amp ; hl.fragsize = 250安培; hl.fl =内容,作者,主题,标题和安培; hl.simple.pre =%板3Cb%3E&安培; =%3C%2FB%3E&安培;小面=真安培; facet.field = fsb_doctype&安培; facet.field = fsb_origin&安培; facet.field = fsb_mission


这是在Solr 4.9系统上返回的json样本(只是突出显示部分):

"highlighting":{"/event_20060718.cfm":{"content":[" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Code 582 - Events \n \n July 18, 2006 - Flight Software Branch <b>CMMI</b> <b>Appraisal</b> \n\n \nThe Flight Software Branch was successful in its latest <b>CMMI</b> <b>appraisal</b> - a SCAMPI Class A <b>Appraisal</b> of the Supplier Agreement Management (SAM"]},"/SDODocs/":{"content":[" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n SDO Flight Software \n \n \t \t SDO Flight Software Baselined Documents \n(Restricted access - contains only assets used in the <b>CMMI</b> <b>appraisal</b>. For access to up-to-date SDO FSW documents, see M W.) \n \t \t SDO Flight"]},"/LRO/":{"content":[" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n LRO Flight Software \n \n \t \t LRO Flight Software Baselined Documents \n(Restricted access - contains only assets used in the <b>CMMI</b> <b>appraisal</b>. For access to up-to-date LRO FSW documents, see Mike B.) \n \t \t LRO Flight"]},"TDL_582 Web&id=501":{"content":[" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Action item from 582 Web group - group id 501 - closed item \n \n Michael \n Mike Tilley \n Update Events - <b>CMMI</b> <b>appraisal</b> results are official today! \n 09/18/14 - updated/created & deployed:\n\n/default.cfm\n\n/events.cfm"]},"TDL_582 Web&id=203":{"content":[" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Action item from 582 Web group - group id 203 - closed item \n \n Michael \n Mike Tilley \n <b>CMMI</b> <b>Appraisal</b> results are \"official\" today - post an event. \n 10/11/11 - updated/created & moved to production (& Linux)..\n\n/default.cfm"]},"TDL_BSR FPI&id=1":{"content":[" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Action item from BSR FPI group - group id 1 - closed item \n \n Michael \n Mike Tilley \n Action: send a BSR template, customized for FPI, to Victor. \n 12/15/10 - done (distracted by <b>CMMI</b> <b>Appraisal</b>!) \n "]},"/event_20080516.cfm":{"content":[" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Code 582 - Events \n \n May 16, 2008 - Center <b>CMMI</b> <b>Appraisal</b> \n\n\n A <b>CMMI</b> SCAMPI Class A <b>Appraisal</b> for GSFC was completed successfully on Friday, May 16th. GSFC is now compliant with Agency policy regarding <b>CMMI</b> Maturity Level 2 for"]},"/event_20140918.cfm":{"content":[" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Code 582 - Events \n \n September 18, 2014 - Center <b>CMMI</b> <b>Appraisal</b> \n\n\n A <b>CMMI</b> SCAMPI Class A <b>Appraisal</b> for GSFC was completed successfully on Monday, September 15th. GSFC continues to be compliant with Agency policy regarding <b>CMMI</b>"]},"TDL_582 Web&id=353":{"content":[" & we made the mistake of trying to use the same repository for the team, and for <b>CMMI</b> <b>appraisal</b> evidence. As a result, the team never used it, and it contains sensitive <b>appraisal</b> data. Closing this AI. \n "]},"TDL_582 Web&id=67":{"content":[" \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Action item from 582 Web group - group id 67 - closed item \n \n Michael \n Mike Tilley \n Had to find the SEI certification page for the GSFC <b>CMMI</b> <b>appraisal</b> - it wasn't easy. Should probably post a link to this on the website"]}

以下是6.1 json结果的示例(此服务器上的文档设置稍有不同,但第一个结果在两种情况下都相同:

"highlighting":{"/event_20060718.cfm":{},"/event_20080516.cfm":{},"/event_20140918.cfm":{},"/event_20111011.cfm":{},"/LRO/":{},"/SDODocs/":{},"/event_20060201.cfm":{},"TDL_582 Web&id=353":{},"TDL_582 Web&id=67":{},"TDL_BSR JWST&id=94":{}


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

