No Date Code Name Remarks D e b i t Cr e d i t
1 4/30/2015 004/AB/01/04/15 Anna YES 40239.66 0.00
2 2/16/2015 028/AA/01/02/15 Andy NO 0.00 2205.49
3 1/31/2015 021/DR/04/01/15 Jim YES 167.60 0.00
4 7/14/2015 083/RF/01/07/15 Anna YES 3822.60 0.00
5 8/6/2015 030/AB/01/08/15 Anna NO 0.00 11267.96
6 1/15/2015 020/TY/01/01/15 Barry 0.00 5237.84
7 7/14/2015 024/HU/01/07/15 Anna NO 0.00 3822.60
8 1/31/2015 039/JK/01/01/15 YES 0.00 1780.84
9 1/27/2015 007/ER/01/01/15 Jim NO 5237.84 0.00
10 4/29/2015 077/FX/01/04/15 Barry NO 0.00 40239.66
11 1/3/2015 001/OX/10/01/15 Andy NO 33074.03 0.00
12 8/10/2015 001/PR/01/08/15 Nicholas 11267.96 0.00
13 10/31/2015 007/TX/09/10/15 Jim 1780.84 0.00
14 2/28/2015 071/QR/01/02/15 Andy YES 2205.49 0.00
15 1/7/2015 007/OM/02/01/15 Nicholas 8873.25 0.00
我需要根据借记和贷记的价值,在没有特定顺序的情况下,根据借方和贷方的价值,在同一张表中排列数据 x 和 y 之后是借方和贷方的值: y 和 x (最好是 x> y )将不匹配的数据放在已排列表格的底部。例如 类似 :
No Date Code Name Remarks D e b i t Cr e d i t
14 2/28/2015 071/QR/01/02/15 Andy YES 2205.49 0.00
2 2/16/2015 028/AA/01/02/15 Andy NO 0.00 2205.49
4 7/14/2015 083/RF/01/07/15 Anna YES 3822.60 0.00
7 7/14/2015 024/HU/01/07/15 Anna NO 0.00 3822.60
12 8/10/2015 001/PR/01/08/15 Nicholas 11267.96 0.00
5 8/6/2015 030/AB/01/08/15 Anna NO 0.00 11267.96
9 1/27/2015 007/ER/01/01/15 Jim NO 5237.84 0.00
6 1/15/2015 020/TY/01/01/15 Barry 0.00 5237.84
13 10/31/2015 007/TX/09/10/15 Jim 1780.84 0.00
8 1/31/2015 039/JK/01/01/15 YES 0.00 1780.84
1 4/30/2015 004/AB/01/04/15 Anna YES 40239.66 0.00
10 4/29/2015 077/FX/01/04/15 Barry NO 0.00 40239.66
11 1/3/2015 001/OX/10/01/15 Andy NO 33074.03 0.00
15 1/7/2015 007/OM/02/01/15 Nicholas 8873.25 0.00
3 1/31/2015 021/DR/04/01/15 Jim YES 167.60 0.00
Sub MatchingDebitAndCredit()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, Last_Row As Long
Last_Row = Cells(Rows.Count, "F").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 4 To Last_Row
For j = 4 To Last_Row
If Cells(i, "F").Value = Cells(j, "G").Value And Cells(i, "G").Value = Cells(j, "F").Value Then
Rows(i).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
Rows(j).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1)
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
我解决这个问题的方法是将我的数据值设置为一个数组,然后将借记金额设置为一个变量,并循环回数据集以查明是否有任何信用与可变借方金额相匹配 - 我会组织他们的借记旁边的匹配然后通过并整理阵列一点点清洁并将结果粘贴到工作表中。
'constants declared for column numbers within array
Const lDEBITCOL As Long = 6
Const lCREDITCOL As Long = 7
Dim rA 'main array
Dim iMain&, stackRow& 'module long variables
Dim debitAmt# 'module double variable
Sub raPairMain()
Dim j&
rA = ActiveSheet.UsedRange 'setting activesheet into array
For iMain = 2 To UBound(rA) 'imain loop through ra rows
debitAmt = rA(iMain, lDEBITCOL) 'variable to check through credits in j loop
'efficiency logical comparison for 0 values in debit amount
'debit amount is 0 skip j loop
If debitAmt Then
For j = 2 To UBound(rA) 'j loop through ra rows
If debitAmt Then 'necessary for matches on the last line of data
'matching variable to credit amount in array
If debitAmt = rA(j, lCREDITCOL) Then
'function to shift down rows within array
'first parameter(imain) is destination index
'second parameter is index to insert
'imain +1 to insert under current debit amount
shiftRaRowDown iMain + 1, j
Exit For
End If 'end of match for debit amount
End If
Next j 'increment j loop
End If 'end of efficiency logical comparison
Next iMain 'increment imain loop
OrganizeArray 'procedure to stack array by matches
'setup array2 for dropping into worksheet to keep headings
'to preserve the table structure if present
ReDim rA2(UBound(rA) - 2, UBound(rA, 2) - 1)
Dim i&
For i = 2 To UBound(rA)
For j = LBound(rA, 2) To UBound(rA, 2)
rA2(i - 2, j - 1) = rA(i, j)
Next j
Next i
'drop array2 into worksheet with offset
With ActiveSheet
.Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(UBound(rA), UBound(rA, 2))) = rA2
End With
End Sub
Sub OrganizeArray()
stackRow = 2 'initiate top row for stacking based on column headings
'could also just constantly use row 2 and shift everything down
Dim i&, j& 'sub procedure long variables
Dim creditAmt# 'sub procedure double variable
For i = 2 To UBound(rA) 'initiate loop through ra rows
debitAmt = rA(i, lDEBITCOL) 'set variable to find
'efficiency check to bypass check if debit amount is null
If debitAmt Then
If i + 1 < UBound(rA) Then 'logical comparison for last array index
'determine if next line is equal to variable debit amt
If debitAmt = rA(i + 1, lCREDITCOL) Then
shiftRaRowDown stackRow, i 'insert in array position stack row as variable next top row
stackRow = stackRow + 1 'increment stack row based on new top row
'noted in primary procedure
shiftRaRowDown stackRow, i + 1
stackRow = stackRow + 1 'increment stack row for new top of array
End If 'end comparison for variable debit amount
End If 'end comparison for upper boundary of ra
End If 'end comparison for null debit value
Next i 'increment i loop
End Sub
Sub shiftRaRowDown(ByVal destinationIndex As Long, ByVal insertRow As Long)
Dim i&, j& 'sub primary long variables for loop
'for anytime the destination matches the insertion row exit sub procedure
If destinationIndex = insertRow Then Exit Sub
'if the destination row for debit was found after the credit amount
'call the procedure again reversing the inputs and offsetting
'debit / credit hierarchy
If destinationIndex > insertRow Then
shiftRaRowDown insertRow, destinationIndex - 1
Select Case iMain
Case Is < UBound(rA) - 1
iMain = iMain + 1 'increment main sub procedure i
'reset debit amount to new main i value if it is within the array boundary
Case Is <= UBound(rA)
debitAmt = rA(iMain, lDEBITCOL)
Case Else
debitAmt = 0 'necessary for matches on the last line of data
End Select
Exit Sub 'exit recursive stack
End If
'get boundaries for a temporary storage array for row to insert
ReDim tmparray(UBound(rA, 2))
'function below will place data from array to move into temporary array
tmparray = RowToInsert(insertRow)
'initiate loop from the array copied temporary array back to the
'row where it is being inserted
For i = insertRow To destinationIndex Step -1
'loop through columns to replace values
For j = LBound(rA, 2) To UBound(rA, 2)
rA(i, j) = rA(i - 1, j) 'values from previous row i-1 are set
Next j
Next i
'loop through temporary array to place copied temporary data
For i = LBound(rA, 2) To UBound(rA, 2)
'temporary array is single dimension
rA(destinationIndex, i) = tmparray(i - 1)
Next i
End Sub
Function RowToInsert(ByVal arrayIndex As Long) As Variant
ReDim tmp(UBound(rA, 2) - 1) 'declare tempArray with boundaries offset for 0 address
Dim i& 'sub procedure long iterator
If arrayIndex > UBound(rA) Then
RowToInsert = tmp
Exit Function
End If
For i = LBound(tmp) To UBound(tmp) 'loop to store temporary values from array
tmp(i) = rA(arrayIndex, i + 1)
Next i
RowToInsert = tmp 'setting function = temporary array
End Function
好吧 - 稍微改了一下 - 我不确定我们现在需要在数组向下移动的情况下由于主要配对j循环中的退出,但它的工作原理是这样 - 没有花费我会花更多的时间来玩它。使用断点和本地窗口/ debug.assert来查看它正在做什么。希望这有帮助
答案 1 :(得分:1)
No Date Code Name Remarks Debit Credit match sum
13 10/31/2015 007/TX/09/10/15 Jim 1,780.84 0.00 -1 1,780.84
8 1/31/2015 039/JK/01/01/15 YES 0.00 1,780.84 -1 1,780.84
14 2/28/2015 071/QR/01/02/15 Andy YES 2,205.49 0.00 -1 2,205.49
2 2/16/2015 028/AA/01/02/15 Andy NO 0.00 2,205.49 -1 2,205.49
4 7/14/2015 083/RF/01/07/15 Anna YES 3,822.60 0.00 -1 3,822.60
7 7/14/2015 024/HU/01/07/15 Anna NO 0.00 3,822.60 -1 3,822.60
9 1/27/2015 007/ER/01/01/15 Jim NO 5,237.84 0.00 -1 5,237.84
6 1/15/2015 020/TY/01/01/15 Barry 0.00 5,237.84 -1 5,237.84
12 8/10/2015 001/PR/01/08/15 Nicholas 11,267.96 0.00 -1 11,267.96
5 8/6/2015 030/AB/01/08/15 Anna NO 0.00 11,267.96 -1 11,267.96
1 4/30/2015 004/AB/01/04/15 Anna YES 40,239.66 0.00 -1 40,239.66
10 4/29/2015 077/FX/01/04/15 Barry NO 0.00 40,239.66 -1 40,239.66
3 1/31/2015 021/DR/04/01/15 Jim YES 167.60 0.00 0 167.60
15 1/7/2015 007/OM/02/01/15 Nicholas 8,873.25 0.00 0 8,873.25
11 1/3/2015 001/OX/10/01/15 Andy NO 33,074.03 0.00 0 33,074.03
Sub MatchingDebitAndCredit()
With Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A2:I16") ' exclude the headers row and include the columns for the helper functions
.Columns("H").Formula = "= CountIf( $F:$F, $G2 ) * -( $G2 > $F2 ) + CountIf( $G:$G, $F2 ) * -( $F2 > $G2 ) " ' you can probably simplify this formula or combine it with the other one
.Columns("I").Formula = "= $F2 + $G2 "
.Sort key1:=.Range("H1"), key2:=.Range("I1"), key3:=.Range("G1") ' sort by match, then by sum, and then by Credit (or adjust to your preference with Record Macro)
.Columns("H:I").Clear ' optional to clear the helper functions
End With
End Sub
答案 2 :(得分:0)
)匹配对,以便不会通过循环数组再次处理它们。我还将内循环的起点从i = 1
设置为j = i+1
,因为下一个要处理的顺序位于数据下方,因为下一个候选匹配将不会在其上方找到。在所有数据都标记为连续数字后,我根据列ID匹配(列I)按升序对所有数据进行排序。为了提高代码性能,我将数据复制到F&amp; D列中。 G到一个数组,我使用.Value2
Sub Quick_Match()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, k As Long, Last_Row As Long
Dim DC, Row_Data, ID_Match
Last_Row = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
ReDim DC(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 2)
ReDim Row_Data(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 1)
ReDim ID_Match(1 To Last_Row - 1, 1 To 1)
DC = Range("A2:B" & Last_Row).Value2
For i = 1 To Last_Row - 2
If DC(i, 1) <> vbNullString Then
k = k + 1
For j = i + 1 To Last_Row - 1
If DC(j, 2) <> vbNullString Then
If DC(i, 1) = DC(j, 2) And DC(i, 2) = DC(j, 1) Then
Row_Data(i, 1) = j + 1: ID_Match(i, 1) = k
Row_Data(j, 1) = i + 1: ID_Match(j, 1) = k
DC(i, 1) = vbNullString: DC(i, 2) = vbNullString
DC(j, 1) = vbNullString: DC(j, 2) = vbNullString
Exit For
End If
End If
Next j
End If
If Row_Data(i, 1) = vbNullString Then
Row_Data(i, 1) = "No Match": k = k - 1
End If
Next i
Range("C2:C" & Last_Row) = Row_Data
Range("D2:D" & Last_Row) = ID_Match
Columns("A:D").Sort key1:=Range("D2"), order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
End Sub
在我的机器上处理大约11,000行时,它平均完成的任务少于 2.75秒(比编辑版本快两倍和更短)。有关详细信息,请参阅the following post。