
时间:2016-07-21 04:18:57

标签: d3.js



<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<style> /* set the CSS */

body { font: 12px Arial;}

    .line {
        stroke: blue;
        stroke-width: 4;

    .axis path,
    .axis line {
        fill: none;
        stroke: black;
        shape-rendering: crispEdges;

    .axis text {
        font-size: 10px;
        font-family: sans-serif;

    .text-label {
        font-size: 10px;
        font-family: sans-serif;

<!-- load the d3.js library -->    
<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>


// Set the dimensions of the canvas / graph
var margin = {top: 30, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 50},
    width = 600 - margin.left - margin.right,
    height = 270 - margin.top - margin.bottom;

// Parse the date / time
var parseDate = d3.time.format("%m/%d/%Y").parse;

// Set the ranges
var x = d3.time.scale().range([0, width]);
var y = d3.scale.linear().range([height, 0]);

// Define the axes
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(x)

var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(y)

d3.csv("Test.csv", function(error, data) {
    if (error) throw error;

// Not yet using filtering
    var filter = data.filter(function(d){
        return (d.Head == 'People' && d.Measure == 'Current Team')

var nested = d3.nest()
    .key(function(d) {return d.Time_Period;})
    .rollup(function(d) {
        return {
            line1: d3.sum(d, function(e) { return e.Value; })


  x.domain(d3.extent(nested, function(d) { return d.key; }));
  y.domain(d3.extent(nested, function(d) { return d.values.line1; }));

// Adds the svg canvas
    var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg");

      .attr("class", "x axis")
      .attr("transform", "translate(0," + height + ")")

      .attr("class", "y axis")
      .attr("transform", "rotate(-90)")
      .attr("y", 6)
      .attr("dy", ".71em")
      .style("text-anchor", "end")
      .text("Price ($)");

    var line_1 = d3.svg.line()
            .x(function(d) { console.log(parseDate(d.key));return parseDate(d.key); })
            .y(function(d) { console.log(d.values.line1);return d.values.line1; });


        .attr("class", "line")
        .attr("d", line_1)
        .style("stroke", "steelblue")
        .attr("fill", "none")
        .attr("stroke-width", 4.8)
        .attr("stroke-opacity", 0.0001)
        .attr("stroke-opacity", 1)
        .attr("stroke-width", 2.8);     



    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "6", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "5", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "6", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "5", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "4/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "6", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "5", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "6", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "5", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "5/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "6", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "5", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "6", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "5", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "6/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "6", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "5", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Current Team", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "6", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "5", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "New Joinees", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "IN", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"
    "RU": "US", 
    "Head": "People", 
    "Industry": "-", 
    "Practice": "Data Integration", 
    "Value": "0", 
    "Measure": "Planned Team", 
    "Time_Period": "7/1/2016", 
    "Unit": "Count"

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. SVG容器的位置和大小。
  2. 解析x轴日期值。
  3. 您问题中的值显示为一条直线。我使用了一些随机值来获得不同的外观。

    var data = [{
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "6",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "5",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "6",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "75",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "18",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Cunt"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "15",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "4/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "6",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "5",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "6",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "5",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "5/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "6",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "5",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "6",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "5",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "6/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "6",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "5",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Current Team",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "6",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "5",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "New Joinees",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "10",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "IN",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "20",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Reporting & Vizualization",
      "Value": "30",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
    }, {
      "RU": "US",
      "Head": "People",
      "Industry": "-",
      "Practice": "Data Integration",
      "Value": "0",
      "Measure": "Planned Team",
      "Time_Period": "7/1/2016",
      "Unit": "Count"
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