首先:抱歉这个暧昧的问题标题...... 第二:我是完整的初学者......
-- data --
-- the task is parsed from json, but I would like the `unit` type to be
-- custom like `Hour | Day` instead of String. But that is an aeson issue?
data Task = {
amount :: Double,
price :: Double,
unit :: String
-- functions --
taskPrice :: Task -> Double
taskPrice t = fromIntegral (price t) * amount t
calcPrice :: [Task] -> Double
calcPrice [] = 0
calcPrice [x] = taskPrice x
calcPrice (x:xs) = foldl (\acc x -> acc + (taskPrice x)) (taskPrice x) xs
-- this version will add days and hours like they are equal...
calcInvoiceHours :: [Task] -> Double
calcInvoiceHours [] = 0
calcInvoiceHours [x] = amount x
calcInvoiceHours (x:xs) = foldl (\acc x -> acc + (amount x)) (amount x) xs
每个任务知道它自己的类型,但模式匹配中的切换案例不是我想的方式...在一些天真的伪代码中我会写:< / p>
calcInvoiceHours :: [Task] -> Double
calcInvoiceHours [] = 0
calcInvoiceHours [x -> unit x === Hour] = amount x
calcInvoiceHours [x -> unit x === Day] = (amount x) * 8 -- work 8 hours a day
calcInvoiceHours (x:xs) = foldl (\acc x -> acc + (amount x)) (amount x)
taskHours :: Task -> Double
taskHours (Task _ amount _ unit)
| unit == "hours" = amount
| otherwise = amount * 8
calcInvoiceHours :: [Task] -> Double
calcInvoiceHours [] = 0
calcInvoiceHours [x] = taskHours x
calcInvoiceHours (x:xs) = foldl (\acc x -> acc + (taskHours x)) (taskHours x) xs
答案 0 :(得分:4)
inHours :: Task -> Double
inHours (Task amt _ "hours") = amt
inHours (Task amt _ "days") = 8 * amt
taskPrice :: Task -> Double
taskPrice t = (price t) * (inHours t)
calcPrice :: [Task] -> Double
calcPrice = sum . (map taskPrice)
calcInvoiceHours :: [Task] -> Double
calcInvoiceHours = sum . (map inHours)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
您已将 time 的处理作为数据模型的主要隐含部分。我将timepans建模为一个独立的抽象数据类型,具有计算新时间跨度和投影时间跨度的各种组件的功能。这允许您以对您使用TimeSpan
-- Make the type abstract, so users can't directly manipulate ticks,
-- by keeping the TimeSpan constructor private to this module
newtype TimeSpan = TimeSpan Integer
-- you could pack these two into a Monoid instance if you like, or use GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving and get it without writing any code
zero :: TimeSpan
zero = TimeSpan 0
plus :: TimeSpan -> TimeSpan -> TimeSpan
plus (TimeSpan x) (TimeSpan y) = TimeSpan (x + y)
ticksPerHour :: Fractional a => a
ticksPerHour = 10000 * 1000 * 60 * 60 -- 10,000 ticks per millisecond
fromHours :: Float -> TimeSpan
fromHours = TimeSpan . hoursToTicks
where hoursToTicks x = round (x * ticksPerHour)
toHours :: TimeSpan -> Float
toHours (TimeSpan x) = ticksToHours x
where ticksToHours x = fromIntegral x / ticksPerHour
-- similar functions to measure the timespan in days, etc
这就是你在面向对象语言中的表现。 C#'s TimeSpan
进入各种其他测量方案,如小时或天。它也是或多或少what you'll find in Haskell's Data.Time.Clock
data Task = Task {
taskLength :: TimeSpan,
taskPrice :: Money -- omitted: a similar treatment to build an abstract Money type
totalTime :: [Task] -> TimeSpan
totalTime = foldl' plus zero . map taskLength
totalTimeHours :: [Task] -> Float
totalTimeHours = toHours . totalTime