通过自定义分类法类型迭代自定义帖子类型? (按类别订购wordpress帖子,或按分类学术语显示自定义帖子类型)

时间:2010-10-03 04:28:12

标签: wordpress custom-post-type

我想要一个显示所有帖子的页面,按类别分隔。想法是获取类别,然后遍历每个类别的所有帖子。由于我想使用自定义分类法作为类别迭代给定自定义类型的所有帖子,因此问题变得复杂。 (运行Wordpress 3)



  $categories = get_categories(array(
    'taxonomy' => 'video_types'
  foreach ($categories as $cat):
 <section id="<?php $cat->slug ?>" class="video-category">
      'cat' => $cat->cat_ID,
      'posts_per_page' => -1
     <h2><?php single_cat_title(); ?></h2>
    <p class="description"><?php echo category_description($cat->cat_ID); ?></p>
  <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
       $category = get_the_category(); 
            echo $category[0]->cat_name;
      <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
      <article class="video">
        <h3><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
          <?php the_content() ?>
  <?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:15)


// A term is an item of a taxonomy (e.g. "Promotional" could be a term for the taxonomy "video_type")
// ...so $categories could be $terms and it would still make sense
$categories = get_terms('taxonomy_name');
foreach( $categories as $category ):
  <section class="category-<?php echo $category ?>">
    <h2><?php echo $category->name; // Print the cat title ?></h2>
    <p class="description"><?php echo $category->description ?></p>
    <div class="<?php echo $category->post_type ?>-list">
      //select posts in this category (term), and of a specified content type (post type) 
      $posts = get_posts(array(
        'post_type' => 'custom_post_type_name',
        'taxonomy' => $category->taxonomy,
        'term' => $category->slug,
        'nopaging' => true, // to show all posts in this category, could also use 'numberposts' => -1 instead
      foreach($posts as $post): // begin cycle through posts of this category
        setup_postdata($post); //set up post data for use in the loop (enables the_title(), etc without specifying a post ID)
        // Now you can do things with the post and display it, like so
        <article id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>" <?php post_class(); ?>>
          <h3><?php the_title(); ?></h3>
            // Getting custom field data example
            echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'field_key', true); 
          <?php the_content() ?>
      <?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

然后,通过在wordpress codex中搜索上述函数,可以填补理解上的任何空白。在上面的代码中,对于我的特定应用程序,custom_post_type_name将是video,而taxonomy_name将是video_type(或者video_types,我会忘记)。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

您可以尝试其他方法。尝试使用get_posts按照自定义分类法对您的帖子进行排序,设置一个最初为空字符串的变量(称为$ current_cat或其他),并对结果的每个循环进行检查,检查分类并将其与$ current_cat进行比较 - 如果不同的,打印出新类别的标题然后输入,如果相同,打印出一个条目照常。

您的代码的一个明显问题(我相信)是您没有正确查询自定义分类。您应该在查询中使用taxonomy_name => 'value',查询中的cat不会触及自定义分类。



// get a list of categories, in this case your custom taxonomy (your_taxonomy_name)
$querystr = "SELECT terms.* FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy tax LEFT JOIN $wpdb->terms terms ON tax.term_id = terms.term_id WHERE tax.taxonomy = 'your_taxonomy_name'";

$categories = $wpdb->get_results($querystr, OBJECT);

foreach( $categories as $category ): // begin a loop through those terms (categories in your custom taxonomy)
    echo '<div class="category-header"><h3>'.$category->name.'</h3>'; // print the cat title
    echo '<p class="category-description">'.strip_tags(term_description($category->term_id,'your_taxonomy_name')).'</p></div>'; // cat description

    $posts = get_posts( array( 'your_taxonomy_name' => $category->name, 'post_type' => 'your_post_type' ) ) //select posts in this category, and of a specified content type
    foreach($posts as $post) : // begin cycle through posts of this category
        setup_postdata($post); //set up post data for use in the loop (enables the_title(), etc without specifying a post ID)

        [ ... ] // do things with your post (display it)



应该这样做 - this可能有助于使用get_posts。