// Screen is 800x600.
projection := mgl32.Perspective(
mgl32.DegToRad(45), // Field of view (45 degrees).
800.0 / 600.0, // Aspect ratio.
0.1, // Near Z at 0.1.
10) // Far Z at 10.
camera := mgl32.LookAtV(
mgl32.Vec3{0, 0.1, 10}, // Camera out on Z and slightly above.
mgl32.Vec3{0, 0, 0}, // Looking at the origin.
mgl32.Vec3{0, 1, 0} // Up is positive Y.
model := mgl32.Ident4() // Simple model matrix, to avoid confusion.
modelView := camera.Mul4(model) // The model-view matrix (== camera, here).
// Okay, so what does the origin translate to? Expect center-of-screen, with arbitrary-seeming depth.
origin := mgl32.Vec3{0, 0, 0}
screenOrigin := mgl32.Project(origin, modelView, projection, 0, 0, 800, 600)
fmt.Printf("Origin: (%v, %v, %v)", screenOrigin[0], screenOrigin[1], screenOrigin[2])
// What about the point 5 to the right of the origin?
// Expect increased X, but still less than screenWidth.
// Y and Z should be the same as for the origin.
// In my actual program, I drew (-1,-1,-1)-(1,1,1) cube at (5,0,0) and
// it is completely visible in the window.
test := mgl32.Vec3{5, 0, 0}
screenTest := mgl32.Project(test, modelView, projection, 0, 0, 800, 600)
fmt.Printf("Test: (%v, %v, %v)", screenTest[0], screenTest[1], screenTest[2])
Origin: (400, 300, 5.500255)
Test: (4021.32, 300, 5.500255)
如果我使用(0,0,0)作为输入向量并将Ident4()转换为+ X中的5个单位(这是有意义的),我会得到相同的结果。
那么我做错了什么?根据立方体的位置,我会想到X = 625。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
obj4 := obj.Vec4(1)
vpp := projection.Mul4(modelview).Mul4x1(obj4)
win[0] = float32(initialX) + (float32(width)*(vpp[0]+1))/2
win[1] = float32(initialY) + (float32(height)*(vpp[1]+1))/2
win[2] = (vpp[2] + 1) / 2
正如人们可能注意到的那样,在矩阵乘法之后缺少透视分割,因此只要w != 1.0f