
时间:2016-07-18 22:51:12

标签: applescript osx-yosemite


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

on run
    set theBattString to (do shell script "pmset -g batt")
    -- the above will return something like...
    -- Now drawing from 'Battery Power' -InternalBattery-0  82%; discharging; 4:06 remaining
end run



on run
    do shell script "ioreg -l | grep -i capacity | tr '\\n' ' | ' | awk '{printf(\"%.2f%%\\n\", $10/$5 * 100)}'"
    -- will output...
    -- 79.63%
end run

答案 1 :(得分:0)

applescript无符号变量可以像已签名的FileMaker变量一样使用... **可以删除,我尝试过将其加粗

设置 batteryPercent 以执行shell脚本“ pmset -g batt”

告诉应用程序“ FileMaker Pro.app” 告诉表“功率测试结果” 告诉记录1 将单元格“通过AppleScript Global的测试百分比”设置为 batteryPercent 结束告诉 结束告诉 结束告诉

答案 2 :(得分:-1)





由于用户@ user3439894,这里的代码效率更高。

    set batteryPercent to word 6 of paragraph 2 of (do shell script "pmset -g batt")

if batteryPercent < 40 then


    repeat 3 times

        say "Attention " & batteryPercent & "%" & " before shut down."

        display notification "Attention " & batteryPercent & "%" & " of charge before shut down." sound name "Glass"

    end repeat

end if


    on idle

    set batteryPercent to word 6 of paragraph 2 of (do shell script "pmset -g batt")

    if batteryPercent < 40 then

        repeat 3 times


            say "Attention " & batteryPercent & "%" & " of charge before shut down."

            display notification "Attention " & batteryPercent & "%" & " of charge before shut down." sound name "Glass"

        end repeat

    end if

    return 60

end idle


  set theBattString to (do shell script "pmset -g batt")
-- the above will return something like...
-- Now drawing from 'Battery Power' -InternalBattery-0  82%; discharging; 4:06 remaining

set batteryLevel to splitText(theBattString, space)

--set totalItembatLvl to length of batteryLevel

set remainingTime to item 9 of batteryLevel

if remainingTime < "2:40" then
    display alert "low battery " & remainingTime & " before shut down."
    --batteryLevel & " " & remainingTime
end if

on splitText(theText, theDelimiter)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
    set theTextItems to every text item of theText
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
    return theTextItems
end splitText
on getPositionOfItemInList(theItem, theList)
    repeat with a from 1 to count of theList
        if item a of theList is theItem then return a
    end repeat
    return 0
end getPositionOfItemInList


