请帮助一个菜鸟。 我正在尝试运行一个项目,其中我有两个类,一个测试类,另一个我有构造函数和方法。
我必须输入课程名称和教师姓名, - 为每个对象创建2个对象 - 从键盘上读取它们 - 打印结果
错误:(14,29)java:构造函数GradeBook中的GradeBook不能应用于给定的类型; required:java.lang.String,java.lang.String 发现:没有争论 原因:实际和正式的参数列表长度不同
public class GradeBook{
private String courseName; //course name for this gradebook
private String instrName; //instructor's name for this gradebook
//constructor initializes coursename with String argument
public GradeBook(String name, String nameinstr)
courseName = name; //initializes courseName with name
instrName = nameinstr; //initializez instrName with nameinstr
//method to set the instructor name;
public void setInstrName(String nameinstr)
instrName = nameinstr;
public String getInstrName() //method to get the instructor name
return instrName;
//method to set the coursename
public void setCourseName(String name)
courseName = name; //store the course name
//method to return the coursename
public String getCourseName()
return courseName;
}//end method getCourseName
public void displayMessage()
System.out.printf("The course name is %s\n\n", getCourseName());
System.out.printf("The name of the instructor is %s\n", getInstrName());
//this statement calls getCoursename to get the name of the course this GradeBook represents
}//end method displayMessage
}//end class GradeBook
public class GradeBookTest
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
GradeBook course1 = new GradeBook(); //object 1 for the course name
GradeBook instructor1 = new GradeBook(); //object 2 for the instructor's name
System.out.println("Enter the name of the course:\n");
String theName = input.nextLine();
course1.setCourseName( theName );
System.out.println("Enter the name of the instructor: \n");
String theName2 = input.nextLine();
instructor1.setInstrName( theName2);