import tkinter as tk ## most of this is for the Bottoni class
from tkinter import *
import os
import string
import PIL.Image
import PIL.ImageTk
import tkinter.ttk
elenco1 = [elemento1, elemento2, elemento3, elemento4]
elenco2 = [elemento5, elemento6, elemento7, elemento8]
elenco3 = [elemento9, elemento10, elemento11, elemento12]
elenco4 = [elemento13, elemento14, elemento15, elemento16]
BOT = [] ## this is for the Bottoni class
IM = [] ## and this too
elenco = elenco1
class ChangeElenco:
def __init__ (self):
def changeElenco(regione):
if regione == "N":
self.elenco = elenco1
elif regione == "K":
self.elenco = elenco2
elif regione == "J":
self.elenco = elenco3
elif regione == "H":
self.elenco = elenco4
elenco = self.elenco
self.radio1 = Radiobutton(text = '1', value = 1, command = lambda : changeElenco("N")).place (x = 920, y = 150)
self.radio2 = Radiobutton(text = '2', value = 2, command = lambda : changeElenco("K")).place (x = 920, y = 170)
self.radio3 = Radiobutton(text = '3', value = 3, command = lambda : changeElenco("J")).place (x = 920, y = 190)
self.radio4 = Radiobutton(text = '4', value = 4, command = lambda : changeElenco("H")).place (x = 920, y = 210)
class secondWindow:
def __init__(self):
self.secondWindow = Tk()
self.secondWindow.geometry ('500x650+400+30')
class Bottoni:
def __init__ (stringa, elenco):
def Destroy (self):
class mainWindow:
def __init__(self):
self.mainWindow = Tk()
self.mainWindow.geometry ('1130x650+100+10')
def mainEnter (self):
testoEntry = StringVar()
self.mainEntry = Entry(self.mainWindow, textvariable = testoEntry).place (x = 920, y = 20)
def search ():
testoEntry2 = testoEntry.get()
if testoEntry2 == "":
testoEntry2 = testoEntry2.lower()
BOT = []
ChangeElenco() ################ here i need the program to change my list "elenco" when i press a radio button
Bottoni(testoEntry2, elenco)
def tracing(a, b, c):
if len(testoEntry.get()) > 2:
testoEntry.trace('w', tracing)
self.button4Entry = Button (self.mainWindow, text = 'search', command = search).place (x = 1050, y = 17)
MW = mainWindow()