
时间:2016-07-15 16:20:41

标签: batch-file






ECHO Checking disk space availablility...
::Sets Free variable to available space (approximate) of external drive
FOR /F "tokens=3" %%a IN ('dir /-c %usb%\ ^| FIND /i "bytes free"') DO SET Free=%%a
SET Free=%Free:~0,-9%
IF "%Free%"=="" SET Free=0
::Sets Used variable to size of Users directory
FOR /F "tokens=3-4" %%v IN ('dir "C:\Users\" /s ^| FIND /i "file(s)"') DO SET Used=%%v
SET Used=%Used:~0,-12%
IF "%Used%"=="" SET Used=0
::Compares the variables Free and Used
::If Free is more than Used, the backup will continue
::if not, system will prompt to free up space
IF %Free% GTR %Used% (
    ECHO Enough disk space is available
    goto backUp
IF %Used% GTR %Free% (
    ECHO There is not enough space, press any key to erase %oldDir%
    goto spaceAvailable

我一直在使用许多东西来获取目录日期,而且似乎"不可能"批量。我需要为工作做这件事并且已经坚持了几天。 谢谢您的帮助!

编辑: 感谢Stephen回答,这正是我想要的。 对于那些想知道完成的代码是什么的人,我会在这里发布!再次感谢您的帮助。


::xCopy for data transfer of all user information to an external drive.
::Created by Benjamin Chaney
::Version notes-
::V1.0 - Initial release
::V1.1 - Replaced XCOPY commands with updated ROBOCOPY commands
::V1.2 - Created script to verify date and create a directory of todays date
::   in YYYY_MM_DD format on backup drive.
::   Also created checks for administrative rights, outlook being opened
::   and if the backup drive is plugged in.
::V1.3 - Fixed bugs where it would give an error giving an invalid destination
::V1.4 - Enhanced the ROBOCOPY command to be more efficient
::V1.5 - Created an audio queue when backup is finished.
::V1.6 - Script checks for if there is enough disk space on the drive before the backup
::V1.7 - Updated to remove second oldest directory in backup drive if no space is available
ECHO ***********************************************************************
ECHO *************************HelpDesk Backup V1.7**************************
ECHO ***********************************************************************
ECHO **Welcome to the HelpDesk Backup assistant! This will copy all of the**
ECHO **important information on your computer into your external Backup   **
ECHO **Drive. Before you begin, there are a few steps to complete:        **
ECHO ** 1. Plug in your external backup drive into your computer          **
ECHO ** 2. Be sure the name of your Drive is BACKUP.                      **
ECHO **    -Click on the File Explorer folder (Yellow folder with a blue  **
ECHO **     holder, usually next to the start icon)                       **
ECHO **    -A windows will open, left-click on This PC on the left panel  **
ECHO **    -You should see a number of folders and drives. Locate your    **
ECHO **     external drive (usually either D: or E:), and right-click on  **
ECHO **     the drive for more options, then left-click on Rename.        **
ECHO **    -Type in BACKUP and press ENTER                                **
ECHO ** 3. Please close all programs, documents, and web pages before the **
ECHO **    process begins.                                                **
ECHO ***********************************************************************
ECHO ***********************************************************************


::Verify script has administrative rights. If not, close out of program.
echo Checking administrative rights...

net session >nul 2>&1
    IF %errorLevel% == 0 (
         ECHO Success: Administrative permissions confirmed.
     goto outlookTEST
    ) ELSE (
         ECHO Failure: Please run the program in Administrative mode.

ECHO Verifying programs are closed...


::Verifies Outlook is closed before backup begins. If it is still open, prompts user to close the program, then re-run the program
    tasklist /fi "imagename eq OUTLOOK.EXE" |find ":" >nul
    if errorlevel 1 (
         ECHO Your Outlook is still open, please close out of Outlook and try again.
         GOTO outlookTEST
    goto driveLookup


ECHO Finding HDD labeled "BACKUP"

::Obtain drive letter for BACKUP (the name of the external drive)
    FOR /f %%D in ('wmic volume get DriveLetter^, Label ^| find "BACKUP"') DO set usb=%%D
    IF [%usb%]==[] (
         ECHO BACKUP drive is not plugged into the system! Please connect the drive now and try again.
         GOTO driveLookup
    ) ELSE ( 
         ECHO Found Backup drive! Located at %usb%


ECHO Checking disk space availablility...

::Sets Free variable to available space (approximate) of external drive
FOR /F "tokens=3" %%a IN ('dir /-c %usb%\ ^| FIND /i "bytes free"') DO SET Free=%%a
SET Free=%Free:~0,-9%
IF "%Free%"=="" SET Free=0

::Sets Used variable to size of Users directory
FOR /F "tokens=3-4" %%v IN ('dir "C:\Users\" /s ^| FIND /i "file(s)"') DO SET Used=%%v
SET Used=%Used:~0,-12%
IF "%Used%"=="" SET Used=0

::Compares the variables Free and Used
::If Free is more than Used, the backup will continue
::if not, system will prompt to free up space
IF %Free% GTR %Used% (
    ECHO Enough disk space is available
    goto backUp
IF %Used% GTR %Free% (
    SET /P c=Would you like us to clear some space[Y/N]?
IF /I "%c%"=="Y" GOTO removeDirectory
IF /I "%c%"=="N" GOTO clearSpace
ECHO Didnt work


::Sets variables for oldest and second oldest directory, then removes second
::oldest directory.
SET "dir1="
SET "dir2="

FOR /F "delims=" %%a IN ('dir %usb%\Backup\ /tc /ad /od /b') DO (
    IF defined dir2 goto removeNext
    IF defined dir1 SET "dir2=%%a" & goto removeNext
    SET "dir1=%%a"


::Removes the second oldest directory in the Backup drive
ECHO Removing directory "%usb%\Backup\%dir2%
ECHO Please wait while we clear some space...
RD /S /Q "%usb%\Backup\%dir2%
    IF errorlevel 0 (
        GOTO clearSpace

GOTO spaceAvailable


ECHO Please manually remove files in your backup drive ( %usb% )
ECHO to clear up at least %Used%GB of space before backing up!


ECHO Starting backup process

::Sets string "today" with todays date in YYYY_MM_DD format

    SET today=%Date:~10,4%_%Date:~7,2%_%Date:~4,2%

::Script to copy all contents out of the c:/users into external drive

    IF EXIST "%usb%\Backup\%today%" (
         GOTO roboCOPY
    ) ELSE (
         MKDIR %usb%\Backup\%today%
         ECHO Created backup folder labeled "%today%"


ECHO ***************************************************************************
ECHO ***************************************************************************
ECHO **Your computer is now being backed up. Please wait, this may take a     **
ECHO **while depending on how much information needs to be backed up.         **
ECHO **Once finished, you should hear the notification sound. Please wait.    **
ECHO ***************************************************************************
ECHO ***************************************************************************
ROBOCOPY C:\Users\ %usb%\Backup\%today%\Users\ /MIR /XA:SH /W:0 /R:1 /REG /XJ /LOG:%usb%\Backup\BackupLog.txt

ECHO ****************************************************************************
ECHO ****************************************************************************
ECHO **Your backup is complete! Your backup is located in %usb%\Backup\%today% **
ECHO **You can view the log of your backup at %usb%\Backup\BackupLog.txt.         **
ECHO **Thank you for using the Help Desk Backup Assistant. Please contact us   **
ECHO **if you have any questions at ********** or at *******************       **
ECHO ****************************************************************************
ECHO ****************************************************************************


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

根据您的描述,您将查找最旧和最旧但一个目录。 dir有一些有用的选项(请参阅dir /?):

@echo off
set "dir1="
set "dir2="
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /tc /ad /od /b') do (
  if defined dir2 goto :finish
  if defined dir1 set "dir2=%%a" & goto :finish
  set "dir1=%%a"
echo oldest: %dir1%
echo oldest but one: %dir2%

