
时间:2016-07-15 09:33:41

标签: julia


julia> using JLD
INFO: Precompiling module JLD...
WARNING: Method definition convert(Type{#T<:AbstractString}, AbstractArray{#S<:Union{Char, Int32, UInt32}, 1}) in module Base at unicode/utf32.jl:131 overwritten in module LegacyStrings at /root/.julia/v0.5/LegacyStrings/src/utf32.jl:133.
WARNING: Method definition isvalid(Array{Char, 1}) in module Base at unicode/utf32.jl:177 overwritten in module LegacyStrings at /root/.julia/v0.5/LegacyStrings/src/utf32.jl:179.
WARNING: New definition 
    string(Union{Char, LegacyStrings.UTF8String, LegacyStrings.ASCIIString}...) at /root/.julia/v0.5/LegacyStrings/src/utf8.jl:161
is ambiguous with: 
    string(Union{Char, UTF8String, ASCIIString}...) at unicode/utf8.jl:166.
To fix, define 
before the new definition.
WARNING: both LegacyStrings and Base export "UTF16String"; uses of it in module JLD must be qualified
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: UTF16String not defined
 in include(::ASCIIString) at ./boot.jl:234
 in include_from_node1(::ASCIIString) at ./loading.jl:417
 in include(::ASCIIString) at ./boot.jl:234
 in include_from_node1(::ASCIIString) at ./loading.jl:417
 [inlined code] from ./boot.jl:237
 in anonymous at ./<no file>:4294967295
 in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:237
 [inlined code] from ./sysimg.jl:11
 in process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:239
 in _start() at ./client.jl:318
while loading /root/.julia/v0.5/JLD/src/jld_types.jl, in expression starting on line 11
while loading /root/.julia/v0.5/JLD/src/JLD.jl, in expression starting on line 130
ERROR: Failed to precompile JLD to /root/.julia/lib/v0.5/JLD.ji
 in error(::ASCIIString) at ./error.jl:21
 in compilecache(::ASCIIString) at ./loading.jl:496
 in compilecache(::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:485
 in require(::Symbol) at ./loading.jl:355
 in eval(::Module, ::Any) at ./boot.jl:237

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



答案 1 :(得分:1)

嗯,你正在使用仍在开发中的Julia 0.5。如果你切换到0.4.6那么它应该没问题。我正在使用它,JLD对我来说很好。您还可以尝试运行Pkg.update()关闭Julia,然后重新打开,看看是否有帮助。