无法读取未定义的属性'split' - 将数组元素(字符串)拆分为数组元素(更多字符串)

时间:2016-07-14 01:44:05

标签: javascript arrays

我最近开始使用JavaScript进行编码,并且正在为课程项目执行此操作。所以,我想要做的是从textarea中获取拼接数据(以这种形式:artist | album | year | genre | rating),然后对其进行处理,以便在表单后将它们放入表中。

    <form name="viewform" enctype="text/plain">
        <table class="center" id="table0" name="table0">
    <!-- Here is the textarea and an onClick activated button -->
        <table class="center" id="table1" name="table1">
        <script type="text/javascript">
        // viewScript() is for processing input from a textarea and setting it into HTML tables
        function viewScript() {
            var textArea = String(document.getElementById('textarea'));
            var arrayTextarea = textArea.split('\n'); // Every line becomes a string element in the array
            var arrayTextareaLength = arrayTextarea.length; // Count number of elements in arrayTextarea
            var table = document.getElementById('table1');
            var i, x;
            for (i=0; i <= arrayTextareaLength; i++) {
                var miniArray = arrayTextarea[i].split('|'); // Each string element in arrayTextarea becomes split into elements in miniArray. Each loop, miniArray changes to the next line
    /* Below is a loop to insert miniArray[i] into table1 */


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