
时间:2016-07-13 19:39:46

标签: r shiny


我目前正在尝试创建一个MCQ,为了更好地理解和学习如何使用R和Shiny我使用J Bryers代码(link to code)作为基础同时创建ui.R和server.R脚本(而不是app.R)。我最初在r-bloggers.com遇到了这个框架。我已经包含了我正在处理的代码,它给我一个错误。如果有人有时间回复,我会感谢任何帮助/建议让它运行起来。



警告:.getReactiveEnvironment()中的错误$ currentContext:没有活动的响应上下文时不允许操作。 (你试图做一些只能在反应式表达式或观察者内部完成的事情。)堆栈跟踪(最里面的第一个):45:。getReactiveEnvironment()$ currentContext 44:.subset2(x," impl" )$ get 43:$ .reactivevalues 42:$ 41:粘贴40:服务器[D:\ MyShinyApps \ MCQ 2 / server.R#150] 1:runApp




# Create user interface

library(shiny) # load the shiny package

# define the UI for the shiny application
 ## if(!exists("SHOW_MCQ")) {
 ##   fluidPage(width = 12)
 ## } else {
    # application title

    titlePanel("Maths Multiple Choice Questions"),
        h4("Multiple Choice Quiz"),
        h5("Created by: Edmund Nevin"),
        h5("Developed Using: Shiny R"),
        p('Use the button below to start the assessment'),
      ), # end of sidebarPanel()

        h3("MCQ Results"),

      ) # end of mainPanel()
    ) # end of sidebarlayout()
  ) # end of fluidPage()
) # end of shinyUI()


# Instructiuons that uses input provided by the user

library(shiny) # load the shiny package

# read the maths questions (i.e. item stems) from file
maths.items <- read.csv("items.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # create data frame

# create a vector with the item stems
maths.stems <- list() # build a list of questions


  function(input, output) {

    # assign variables
    item.stems = maths.items$Stem # create a character vector with item stems
    item.choices = maths.items[,c(4:8)] # create a data frame with item answers
    itemsPerPage = 1 # set number of items per page
    totalPages <- ceiling(length(item.stems) / itemsPerPage) # calculate total pages

    # define reactive values
    ASSESSMENT <- reactiveValues(
      currentPage = 1,
      responses = rep(as.integer(NA), length(item.stems))

    # UI elements
    start.label = "Start the Test" # button label
    start.name = "Start Button" # start button
    cancel.name = "Cancel Button" # cancel button
    page.name = "Page"

    # error check
    stopifnot(length(item.stems) == nrow(item.choices))

    # allow multiple assessments to be run by putting an object in the 
    # calling environment by putting "SHOW_MCQ" object in the calling
    # environment
    if(!exists("SHOW_MCQ", envir = parent.env(environment()))) {
      assign("SHOW_MCQ", value = reactiveValues(show = FALSE, assessment = NULL,
                                                unique = format(Sys.time(), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')),
             envir = parent.env(environment())
      ) # end of assign()
    } # end of if statement

    # start button
    output$start <- renderUI({
        if(!is.null(input[[paste0(start.name, SHOW_MCQ$unique)]])) {
          if(input[[paste0(start.name, SHOW_MCQ$unique) == 1]]) {
            SHOW_MCQ$show <- TRUE
            SHOW_MCQ$assessment <- ui.name
          } # end inner if statement
        } # end outer if statement

      }) # end observe()

      actionButton(paste0(start.name, SHOW_MCQ$unique), start.label)

    }) # end renderUI()

    # cancel button
    output$cancel <- renderUI({
        if(!is.null(input[[paste0(cancel.name, SHOW_MCQ$unique)]])) {
          if(input[[paste0(cancel.name, SHOW_MCQ$unique)]] == 1) {
            SHOW_MCQ$show <- FALSE
            SHOW_MCQ$assessment <- NULL
            SHOW_MCQ$unique <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
            ASSESSMENT$currentPage <- 1
            ASSESSMENT$responses <- rep(as.integer(NA), length(item.stems))
          } #end of inner if statement
        } # end of outer if statement

      }) # end observe()

      actionButton(paste0(cancel.name, SHOW_MCQ$unique, "Cancel" ))

    }) # end renderUI

    # radio buttons

    output$ui <- renderUI({
      buttons <- list() # build a list of buttons

      for(i in seq_len(length(item.stems))) {
        choices <- character() # build a character vector of choices
        for(j in 1:ncol(item.choices)) { # loop through columns
          if(!is.na(item.choices[i,j])) {
            choices[(j)] <- names(item.choices)[j] # populate choices vector
            names(choices)[j] <- HTML(item.choices[i,j]) # mark the given text as HTML
            } # end of if statement
          } # end of inner for statement

        button.label <- "" # clear the button label

        if(is.character(item.stems)) {
          button.label <- HTML(item.stems[i])
        } else {
          button.label <- item.stems[[i]]

        buttons[[i]] <- radioButtons(inputId = paste0(i, SHOW_MCQ$unique),
                                          label = button.label,
                                          choices = choices,
                                          inline = FALSE,
                                          selected = character(),
                                          width = "100%")  
      } # end of outer for statement

      startPos <- ((ASSESSMENT$currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage) + 1
      pos <- seq(startPos, min((startPos + itemsPerPage - 1), length(buttons)))

        if(SHOW_MCQ$show &
          !is.null(input[[paste0(save.name, SHOW_MCQ$unique)]])
        ) {
          if(input[[paste0(save.name, SHOW_MCQ$unique)]] == 1) {
            results <- character(length(item.stems)) # build a character vector for results
            for(i in seq_len(length(buttons))) {
              ans <- input[[paste0(name, i, SHOW_MCQ$unique)]] 
              results[i] <- ifelse(is.null(ans, NA, ans))
              } #end of for statement

            #callback(results) # do callback

            # reset for another assessment
            SHOW_MCQ$show <- FALSE
            SHOW_MCQ$assessment <- NULL
            SHOW_MCQ$unique <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
            ASSESSMENT$currentPage <- 1
            ASSESSMENT$responses <- rep(as.integer(NA), length(item.stems))
            } # end of inner if statement
          } # end of inner if statement
        }) # end of observe()
      }) # end of renderUI()

    # increment the page
    nextButtonName <- paste("Page", ASSESSMENT$current$Page, SHOW_MCQ$unique)

    if(!is.null(input[[nextButtonName]])) {
      if(input[[nextButtonName]] == 1) {
        for(i in seq(((ASSESSMENT$currentPage - 1) * itemsPerPage) + 1,
                      Assessment$currentPAGE * itemsPerPage, by = 1)) {
          ans <- input[[paste0(i, SHOW_MCQ$unique)]]
          ASSESSMENT$currentPage <- ASSESSMENT$currentPage + 1
          nextButtonName <- paste0(page.name, ASSESSMENT$currentPage)
          } # end of for statement
        } # end of inner if statement
      } # end of outer if statement

    # Next or Done button
    if(ASSESSMENT$currentPage == totalPages) {
      nextButton <- ActionButton(paste0("Save", SHOW_MCQ$unique), "Done")
    } else {
      nextButton <- actionButton(nextButtonName, "Next")

    mainPanel(width = 12,
                column(width = 2, uiOutput(cancel.name)),
                column(width = 8, p(paste0("Page ", ASSESSMENT$currentPage, " of ", totalPages)),
                       align = "center"),
                column(width = 2, nextButton)

    # save the most recent assessment results to display
    mcq.results <- reactiveValues(maths = logical())

    # function called when assessment is completed
    saveResults <- function(results) {
      mcq.results$maths <- results == maths.items$Answer
    } # end of function 'saveResults'

    # provide some feedback to test taker
    output$maths.results <- renderText({
      txt <- ""
      if(length(mcq.results$maths) > 0) {
        txtmsg <- paste0("You got ", sum(mcq.results$math, na.rm = True,
                                      " of ", length(mcq.results$math), " items correct."))
      } else {
        txtmsg <- "No results found. Please complete the MCQ." 
      }) # end of feedback message

    } # end of function
  ) # end of shinyServer()

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