将全局服务传递给Angular 2中的子类

时间:2016-07-12 11:26:15

标签: angular singleton global-variables angular2-services

我的主要组件有2个子组件和服务。我做var myInt: 13 = int(enteredAge),但是我希望从这两个子组件中获得功能(可以调用服务功能)。我应该如何将此服务的一个实例从父组件传递到我的子组件?

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   template: '<child-component></child-component>',
   directives: [ChildComponent],
   providers: []  // no need to include the specify the service here

export class MyComponent {
  /*even though you're injecting the service here, it will use the same
    instance provided in the bootstrap */

  constructor(private myService: MyService) {

  selector: 'child-component',
  providers: [] // no need to include the specify the service here

export class ChildComponent {
  //you can do this as long as you don't specify the service in the providers list
  constructor(private myService: MyService) {
