
时间:2016-07-12 03:52:37

标签: c++ linked-list nodes polynomial-math

最简单的方法是让我的结果不输出0x^3? 我的代码看起来如何?我可以在这里做出任何改进吗?


2x^4 + 3x^3 -7


-5x^5 -2x^4 -7x^2 + 5x^1 -6


-5x^5 **0x^4** + 3x^3 -7x^2 + 5x^1 -13


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class poly
    private :
    struct node
        float coeff ;
        int exp ;
        node *link ;
    } *p ;

    public :
    poly( ) ;
    void input ( float c, int e ) ;
    void display( ) ;
    void add( poly &eq1, poly &eq2 ) ;
    ~poly( ) ;

poly :: poly( )
p = NULL ;

void poly :: input ( float c, int e )
node *temp = p ;
if ( temp == NULL )
    temp = new node ;
    p = temp ;
    while ( temp -> link != NULL )
        temp = temp -> link ;
    temp -> link = new node ;
    temp = temp -> link ;
temp -> coeff = c ;
temp -> exp = e ;
temp -> link = NULL ;

void poly :: display( )
node *temp = p ;
int f = 0 ;
cout << endl ;
while ( temp != NULL )
    if ( f != 0 )
        if ( temp -> coeff > 0 )
            cout << " + " ;
            cout << " " ;
    if ( temp -> exp != 0 )
        cout << temp -> coeff << "x^" << temp -> exp ;
        cout << temp -> coeff ;
    temp = temp -> link ;
    f = 1 ;

void poly :: add ( poly &eq1, poly &eq2 )
node *tnode ;

node *temp1, *temp2 ;
if ( eq1.p == NULL && eq2.p == NULL )
    return ;
temp1 = eq1.p ;
temp2 = eq2.p ;

while ( temp1 != NULL && temp2 != NULL )
    if ( p == NULL )
        p = new node ;
        tnode = p ;
        tnode -> link = new node ;
        tnode = tnode -> link ;
    if ( temp1 -> exp < temp2 -> exp )
        tnode -> coeff = temp2 -> coeff ;
        tnode -> exp = temp2 -> exp ;
        temp2 = temp2 -> link ;
        if ( temp1 -> exp > temp2 -> exp )
            tnode -> coeff = temp1 -> coeff ;
            tnode -> exp = temp1 -> exp ;
            temp1 = temp1 -> link ;
            if ( temp1 -> exp == temp2 -> exp )
                tnode -> coeff = temp1 -> coeff + temp2 -> coeff ;
                tnode -> exp = temp1 -> exp ;
                temp1 = temp1 -> link ;
                temp2 = temp2 -> link ;
while ( temp1 != NULL )
    if ( p == NULL )
        p = new node ;
        tnode = p ;
        tnode -> link = new node ;
        tnode = tnode -> link ;
    tnode -> coeff = temp1 -> coeff ;
    tnode -> exp = temp1 -> exp ;
    temp1 = temp1 -> link ;
while ( temp2 != NULL )
    if ( p == NULL )
        p = new node ;
        tnode = p ;
        tnode -> link = new  node ;
        tnode = tnode -> link ;
    tnode -> coeff = temp2 -> coeff ;
    tnode -> exp = temp2 -> exp ;
    temp2 = temp2 -> link ;
tnode -> link = NULL ;

poly :: ~poly( )
node *temp ;
while ( p != NULL )
    temp = p -> link ;
    delete p ;
    p = temp ;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


void poly :: remove_zero () {
    node *cnode = p, *pnode = NULL;
    while (cnode != NULL) {
        if (cnode->coeff == 0) { // remove 0 node
            if (pnode == NULL) { // if this is the first node
                p = cnode->link;
                delete cnode;
                cnode = p;
            } else {             // if this is not the first node
                pnode->link = cnode->link;
                delete cnode;
                cnode = pnode->link;
        } else {
            pnode = cnode;
            cnode = cnode->link;