ISR for Timer Compare Match not running

时间:2016-07-11 22:44:18

标签: c microcontroller avr atmega

so basically I'm trying set up a ISR(Interrupt subroutine) to simply turn a light on, but the ISR doesn't seem to run. I've looked through the microcontroller datasheet a lot to see if I'm doing something wrong but I couldn't find anything.

Heres my code.

#include <asf.h>

int main (void) {
    DDRD = 0b10000000;

    cli();                              // turn off global interrupts
    TCCR2A |=_BV(WGM21);                //CTC mode
    TCCR2B |=_BV(CS22)|_BV(CS21);       //clk pre-scale 1/256
    OCR2A = 0x7d;                       //125clk cycles = 2ms
    TIMSK2 |=_BV(OCIE2A);               //enable interrupt on compare matchA
    TIFR2 |= _BV(OCF2A);                //clear flag
    TCNT2 = 0x00;                       // reset counter
    sei();                              // enable global interrupts

    PORTD = 0b10000000;

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#include <asf.h>

int main (void) {
    DDRD = 0b10000000;

    cli();                              // turn off global interrupts
    TCCR2A |=_BV(WGM21);                //CTC mode
    TCCR2B |=_BV(CS22)|_BV(CS21);       //clk pre-scale 1/256
    OCR2A = 0x7d;                       //125clk cycles = 2ms
    TIMSK2 |=_BV(OCIE2A);               //enable interrupt on compare matchA
    TIFR2 |= _BV(OCF2A);                //clear flag
    TCNT2 = 0x00;                       // reset counter
    sei();                              // enable global interrupts

    PORTD = 0b10000000;
