I'm coding for a project at school (GCSEs) and we have been tasked that the user will enter the value of a population and we have to code a program where python displays a model to show the population after a set number of generations. Once the user has entered their desired values I need to display it in a table-like format that shows the generation number an the population to the respective age range (juvenile, adult, senile). To make the table I used an array but defined it earlier at the beginning of the code. When I try to append the values to the code I get this error ''float' object is not subscriptable'
this is my code of me trying to add to the array:
def run_model():
print ("*"*10, "Running the Model", "*"*10)
for x in range (1, gen_no):
if(x !=0):
juve_values.append ( float(adult_pop[x-1])*birth_rate)
adult_values.append ( float(juve_pop[x-1])*juve_suv)
senile_values.append ( float(sen_pop[x-1])*sen_suv+adult_pop[x-1]*adult_suv)
for y in range (1, gen_no):
print(str(juve_pop[y]) + " "*5 + str(adult_pop[y]) + " "*5 + str(sen_pop[y]))
when you answer please make it as basic as possible as I'm not an advanced coder.
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I'm guessing adult_pop
and the other population variables are not something that is subscriptable (i.e lists, tuples, dicts, etc) and are either ints or floats instead. That means you are trying to enter a type that does not allow that kind of examination, hence you are getting the error.
I think this answer will help you with subscriptablity.