Alamofire conflict with SugarRecord?

时间:2016-07-11 21:34:38

标签: ios xcode core-data alamofire

In my project I download some data using Alamofire, the I need to save them with CoreData, using SugarRecord, but I get a strange error when I fetch my entities, like this:

var albums: [CDAlbum]

        do {

            albums = try! db.fetch(Request<CDAlbum>())

        } catch {
            // TODO: handle errors as appropriate
            print("ERROR FETCHING ALBUMs")

I get a red dot that say "Cannot specialize non-generic type 'Request'"

Now, if I click on "Request", Xcode redirect me to Alamofire folder>Request.swift, but I need the method from SugarRecord>CoreData>NSManagedObjectContext.swift called

public func fetch<T: Entity>(request: Request<T>) throws -> [T] {}

It seems that Xcode confuse the two methods. How could I solve?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


albums = try! db.fetch(SugarRecord.Request<CDAlbum>())

答案 1 :(得分:0)
