In Ruby is there a way to define the context for load?

时间:2016-07-11 21:25:05

标签: ruby

I would like to load a file in a block and evaluate the statements in the context of an instance of a object. For example something like this:

I have a file called foo_file that contains just this one line (statement)


I would like this "statement" to be called in the context of an instance of Foo, as shown below.

class Foo
  def some_method
    puts "hello"

foo =

foo.instance_eval  do
    load "foo_file"     # load and execute statement some_method from a foo_file.  

This fails with:

 foo_file:1:in `<top (required)>': undefined local variable or method `some_method' for main:Object (NameError)

while this works fine:

foo.instance_eval do

So it seems that while I call load in the block passed to instance_eval, the statements are loaded into the top context, not the instance foo.

I can get around this with the code shown below. I create a top level method that wraps a call to the instance method. I still need to provide the context, which I accomplish with a singleton.

require 'singleton'

class Context
  include Singleton
  attr_accessor :ctx 

def some_method
  ctx = Context.instance.ctx

Context.instance.ctx = foo
load "bar_file"

I think this will work, but it seems like there should be a better way (like just loading into the correct context to begin with). Any suggestions?

1 个答案:

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In this particular case, getting what you want is quite easy, and doesn't even involve a call to load:


For example, if file just had the text length, then


would return 5.

More generally, if you want to specify an arbitrary context, that's basically the exact situation you'd want to use the optional Binding argument to Kernel#eval in:

bnd = 'Hello'.instance_exec { x = 3; binding }
eval('length + x',bnd) #=> 8