I am trying to return the root node of a BST. My recursive function involves using std::vector
as a container for SPnodes
(the tree node object) which during a single call is iterated over and a vector with fewer elements is passed up to the next call. Once the vector is of size 1, my function returns a new SPnode
which is created by calling the copy constructor on the first (and only) element in nodeList
, the vector container.
This is then passed through the wrapper function and then to the original caller.
I understand that when the vector container goes out of scope it is destroyed, however I'm allocating new memory and copying the SPnodes
so I don't understand how this could be causing the problem. So then, what is causing this? I doubt my problem is unique, but I can't seem to find an answer after going through countless SO questions.
#include "IntervalObjects.h"
#include "IntervalObj.h"
#include "InVecObj.h"
#include "StandardLib.h"
// --- SPnode Class ------------------------------------------------------------
// SPnode (or Subpaving Node), is a node in a binary tree which contains a
// parameter "box" which is an InVec object, and a left and right child which
// are also SPnode objects. These SPnode objects are the resultant boxes from
// calling the expand method on m_box. This implementation allows for two
// important characteristics: there is a way to determine "where" a given box in
// a subpaving is by iterating over a node's left or right child, which in turn
// allows for greater efficiency; secondly, the tree structure gives a "history"
// of the subpaving, which allows for the determination of parent boxes.
class SPnode
InVec m_box;
// left and right children of this SPnode object - note that these must be
// pointers in order to use them in the definition of the class, otherwise
// SPnode would reference itself in its definition
SPnode* m_left;
SPnode* m_right;
// a boolean sepcifying whether the SPnode m_box is in the given subpaving
bool m_inSP;
bool m_hasBeenIterated;
SPnode(InVec box): m_box(box), m_left(NULL), m_right(NULL), m_inSP(true),
m_hasBeenIterated(false) {}
SPnode(const SPnode &ASP)
recConstructor(this, ASP);
void recConstructor(SPnode* const &parent, const SPnode &ASP);
void recDestructor(SPnode* const &ASP);
~SPnode() {delete m_left;
delete m_right;}
// getters and setters
InVec getBox() const {return m_box;}
SPnode* getLeft() const {return m_left;}
SPnode* getRight() const {return m_right;}
bool getInSP() const {return m_inSP;}
bool getIterated() const {return m_hasBeenIterated;}
void setBox(const InVec box) {m_box = box;}
void setLeft(SPnode* const p_node) {m_left = p_node;}
void setRight(SPnode* const p_node) {m_right = p_node;}
void setInSP(bool truth) {m_inSP = truth;} // when this is called truth
// should only be false
void setIterated(bool truth) {m_hasBeenIterated = truth;}
bool isLeaf() const;
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SPnode &ASP);
SPnode operator=(const SPnode& ASP)
std::cout << "assignment called\n";
if (this == &ASP) return *this;
recConstructor(this, ASP);
return *this;
friend void expand(SPnode &ASP);
friend InVec lower(const InVec &box, const Interval &width, int axis);
friend InVec upper(const InVec &box, const Interval &width, int axis);
friend void mince(SPnode &ASP);
friend SPnode regularize(ImList &list, InVec box);
friend SPnode* recRegularize(std::vector<InVec> &list, SPnode &parentNode);
cpp file:
#include "SPnodeObj.h"
void SPnode::recConstructor(SPnode* const &parent, const SPnode &ASP)
parent->m_box = ASP.m_box;
parent->m_inSP = ASP.m_inSP;
parent->m_hasBeenIterated = ASP.m_hasBeenIterated;
if (ASP.isLeaf())
parent->m_left = NULL;
parent->m_right = NULL;
if (ASP.m_left == NULL)
parent->m_left = NULL;
if (ASP.m_right == NULL)
parent->m_right = NULL;
if (ASP.m_left != NULL)
parent->m_left = new SPnode((ASP.m_left)->m_box);
if (ASP.m_right != NULL)
parent->m_right = new SPnode((ASP.m_right)->m_box);
if (ASP.m_left != NULL)
recConstructor(parent->m_left, *(ASP.m_left));
if (ASP.m_right != NULL)
recConstructor(parent->m_right, *(ASP.m_right));
bool SPnode::isLeaf() const
return (m_left == NULL && m_right == NULL);
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const SPnode &ASP)
if (ASP.m_right == NULL && ASP.m_left != NULL)
out << "SPnode(SPnode, " << ASP.m_box << ", NULL)";
else if (ASP.m_left == NULL && ASP.m_right != NULL)
out << "SPnode(NULL, " << ASP.m_box << ", SPnode)";
else if (ASP.m_left == NULL && ASP.m_right == NULL)
out << "SPnode(NULL, " << ASP.m_box << ", NULL)";
out << "SPnode(SPnode, " << ASP.m_box << ", SPnode)";
return out;
and my functions:
SPnode* listToTree (std::vector<InVec> boxList)
int counter = 0;
std::vector<SPnode> nodeList;
for (auto box : boxList)
counter += 1;
//return recListToTree(nodeList);
//return new SPnode(*(recListToTree(nodeList)));
return recListToTree(nodeList);
SPnode* recListToTree (std::vector<SPnode> &nodeList)
std::cout << "nodelist size is: " << nodeList.size() << "\n";
if (nodeList.size() == 1)
return new SPnode(nodeList.at(0));
std::vector<SPnode> parentNodeList;
int counter = 0;
for (auto node : nodeList)
if (node.getIterated())
counter += 1;
if (counter + 1 == nodeList.size())
if (node.getBox().isAdjacent(nodeList.at(counter + 1).getBox()))
SPnode newNode =
SPnode(node.getBox().combine(nodeList.at(counter + 1).getBox()));
if (lessThan(node.getBox(), nodeList.at(counter + 1).getBox()))
newNode.setLeft (new SPnode(node));
newNode.setRight(new SPnode((nodeList.at(counter + 1))));
newNode.setRight(new SPnode(node));
newNode.setLeft (new SPnode((nodeList.at(counter + 1))));
nodeList.at(counter + 1).setIterated(true);
counter += 1;
nodeList.at(counter + 1).setIterated(true);
counter += 1;
Any help is appreciated!
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