
时间:2016-07-11 15:15:28

标签: google-analytics e-commerce

我发现报告的收入与交易产品收入之间存在很大差异。例如,这是我在Revenue for transaction中看到的内容:

Product Revenue


Product Revenue

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



ga('ec:addProduct', {               // Provide product details in an productFieldObject.
  'id': 'P12345',                   // Product ID (string).
  'name': 'Android Warhol T-Shirt', // Product name (string).
  'category': 'Apparel',            // Product category (string).
  'brand': 'Google',                // Product brand (string).
  'variant': 'black',               // Product variant (string).
  'price': '29.20',                 // Product price (currency).  <-- UnitPrice
  'coupon': 'APPARELSALE',          // Product coupon (string).  
  'quantity': 1                     // Product quantity (number). <--Quantity

ga('ec:setAction', 'purchase', {          // Transaction details are provided in an actionFieldObject.
  'id': 'T12345',                         // (Required) Transaction id (string).
  'affiliation': 'Google Store - Online', // Affiliation (string).
  'revenue': '37.39',                     // Revenue (currency). <<- Revenue
  'tax': '2.85',                          // Tax (currency).
  'shipping': '5.34',                     // Shipping (currency).
  'coupon': 'SUMMER2013'                  // Transaction coupon (string).

产品收入基于Quantity * UnitPrice(在每笔交易中计算)的乘积而且Transaction Revenue属于'purchase'对象。

Google Analytics(分析)对任何逻辑都很重要,例如,您可以在一次交易中获得99.99美元的产品价格,数量为2,并且在同一交易中将最高价格声明为2美元,这对于Google Analytics来说是可以的。我们知道这是不对的。


交易适用折扣 - &gt;产品总和没有应用折扣

交易不适用折扣 - &gt;产品总和已应用折扣

交易是A - &gt;产品总和为C

答案 1 :(得分:2)

Google does not add product values up - instead the product revenue and the transaction revenue is passed to GA via different variables in the tracking code, and the reports show the respective variable values.

So I guess somebody passed in the wrong value (I vaguely suspect a wrong decimal separator). You need to check your transaction code.