如何创建像Expression <func <t,bool =“”>

时间:2016-07-11 13:34:18

标签: c# entity-framework linq lambda dynamic-linq



Expression<Func<ORDERS, bool>> filter1 = c => c.ORDER_DETAILS.Any(x => x.PRODUCTS.HEADING.Contains("foo"));

有关我的问题的更多信息:(How to filter child collection with linq dynamic


我正在尝试过滤用户请求的结果。比如你有   订单和订单详情和产品是儿童收藏。


当用户想要按产品过滤时,我会收到错误   “ICollection1”中没有属性或字段“产品”




var orders = _uow.Repository()       .Query()       。哪里( “PRODUCTS.HEADING.ToLower()。包含(\” 福\ “)”)       .INCLUDE( “ORDER_DETAILS”)       .INCLUDE( “ORDER_DETAILS.PRODUCTS”)       .ToList();所以不可能像这样过滤子集合吗?或者任何方式来过滤?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

Yes, you can. One approach I've used uses an object which is the same as your return type as a search filter. So if you want to search for the customer name of "Bill", then you set Order.Customer.Name to Bill. Passing that object to a method then applies all applicable searches.

To do this, start by defining a list of searchable fields:

Field<Order>[] Fields;

Fill these by declaring new fields:

var newField = new Field<Order>(o => o.Customer.Name, true, "Customer Name");

The "true" parameter means that it will act as the sort field for the results.

The Field object contains enough information to generate expressions later. It will look like this:

public class Field<T>
    public Field(Expression<Func<T, object>> field, bool sortField = false, string displayName = null)
        //get & validate member
        MemberExp = field.Body is UnaryExpression ? ((UnaryExpression)field.Body).Operand as MemberExpression
                                                  : (MemberExpression)field.Body;

        Field = MemberExp?.Member;
        if (Field == null) throw new ArgumentException("Field expression is not a member.");

        //set field type
        switch (Field.MemberType)
            case MemberTypes.Property:
                PropertyInfo p = (PropertyInfo)Field;
                FieldType = p.PropertyType;
            case MemberTypes.Field:
                FieldInfo f = (FieldInfo)Field;
                FieldType = f.FieldType;
                throw new Exception("Unsupported member type detected.");

        //store input values
        FieldExpression = field;
        SortField = sortField;
        DisplayName = displayName ?? Field.Name;

    public bool SortField { get; set; }
    public string DisplayName { get; private set; }
    public MemberExpression MemberExp { get; private set; }
    public Expression<Func<T, object>> FieldExpression { get; private set; }
    public Func<T, object> GetValue => FieldExpression.Compile();
    public Type FieldType { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the full field name, i.e o => o.Customer.CustomerName returns "Customer.CustomerName"
    /// </summary>
    public string UnqualifiedFieldName
            var stringExp = MemberExp.ToString();
            var paramEnd = stringExp.IndexOf('.') + 1;
            return  stringExp.Substring(paramEnd);

Once you have defined all the searchable fields, you will call a method to fetch the results of your search based on the search filters (T) you've collected from the user:

//get the results in ascending order, 10 items per page, first page
var results = GetSearchResults(searchFilters, "ASC", 10, 1);

The method will require you to have a queryable collection of data. I'll assume that you have some method such as context.GetCollection() that retrieves your data. The GetSearchResults method will look like this:

//Returns a filtered dataset based on provided search filters
//searchFilters is an object T which contains the search filters entered.
private List<T> GetSearchResults(T searchFilters, string sortDir = "ASC", int pageSize, int currentPage)
    IQueryable<T> searchResults = context.GetCollection(); //get your data context here

    var filterExpressions = new List<Expression<Func<T, bool>>>();

    //Add filters
    foreach (var field in Fields)
        //try to get the search value, ignoring null exceptions because it's much harder
        //to check for null objects at multiple levels. Instead the exception tells us there's
        //no search value
        string searchValue = null;
            searchValue = field.GetValue(searchFilters)?.ToString(); 
        catch (NullReferenceException) { }
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchValue)) continue;

        //shared expression setup
        ParameterExpression param = field.FieldExpression.Parameters.First();
        Expression left = field.FieldExpression.Body;
        ConstantExpression right = Expression.Constant(searchValue);
        Expression body = null;

        //create expression for strings so we can use "contains" instead of "equals"           
        if (field.FieldType == typeof(string))
            //build the expression body
            MethodInfo method = typeof(string).GetMethod("Contains", new[] { typeof(string) });                    
            body = Expression.Call(left, method, right);
        {   //handle expression for all other types      
            body = Expression.Equal(left, right);

        //finish expression
        Expression<Func<T, bool>> lambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(body, param);

    //apply the expressions
    searchResults = filterExpressions.Aggregate(searchResults, (current, expression) => current.Where(expression));

    //get sort field
    Field<T> sortField = Fields.FirstOrDefault(f => f.SortField);
    searchResults = searchResults.OrderBy($"{sortField.UnqualifiedFieldName} {sortDir}");                                                                         

    // Get the search results
    int count = searchResults.Count();
    int maxPage = count / pageSize;
    if (maxPage * pageSize < count) maxPage++;
    if (currentPage > maxPage) currentPage = maxPage;
    int skip = Math.Max(0, (filters.page - 1) * pageSize);
    int display = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(count - skip, pageSize));
    return searchResults.Skip(skip).Take(display).ToList();

This method uses your Field[] array to build expressions for your criteria and apply them to the dataset.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.