我有一个树结构,其中父节点将数据发送到两个节点,子节点将相同的数据发送回父节点。使用两个线程向两个孩子发送,并且两个孩子都收到消息。 Parent等待孩子们发回消息并为每个连接生成一个线程。如果我的数据小于1MB,我的孩子都会获取数据并将其发送回父母,父母从两个孩子那里获取数据。但是当数据为1MB或更多时,我的一个孩子会收到connect() failed: Connection refused
void Node::listenForMultipleReplies(int portNum, int numOfChildren){
std::thread threadA[numOfChildren];
TCPStream* stream = NULL;
TCPAcceptor* acceptor = new TCPAcceptor(portNum);
if (acceptor->start() == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < numOfChildren; ++i){
LOG(INFO) << "Listening for input on port: " << portNum;
stream = acceptor->accept(); //Blocking; wait till it gets the connection
if (stream != NULL) {
LOG(INFO) << "Connection Successful";
threadA[i] = std::thread(multiple, stream);
for(int i = 0; i < numOfChildren; i++)
LOG(INFO) << "Joined "<< i+1 << "threads successfully!!";
调用的connection_handlervoid multiple(TCPStream* stream){
std::string received;
ssize_t len;
char line[HUNDMB];
LOG(INFO) << "Thread created with ID: " << std::this_thread::get_id();
if ((len = stream->receive(line, sizeof(line))) > 0) {
line[len] = 0;
received = string(line);
LOG(INFO) << "Results for Query " << received.substr(0,36) << " received; size of the result is "<< received.size();