今天我很乐意在我的js app中输入一些代码,并经常使用browserify构建。
文件夹并执行干净npm install
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
SyntaxError: The keyword 'let' is reserved (119:1) while parsing C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\js\cons\designs\plate\BoundedPlane.js while parsing file: C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\js\cons\designs\plate\BoundedPlane.js
at DestroyableTransform.end [as _flush] (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\index.js:96:21)
at DestroyableTransform.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_transform.js:115:49)
at DestroyableTransform.g (events.js:260:16)
at emitNone (events.js:67:13)
at DestroyableTransform.emit (events.js:166:7)
at prefinish (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_writable.js:465:12)
at finishMaybe (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_writable.js:473:7)
at endWritable (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_writable.js:485:3)
at DestroyableTransform.Writable.end (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\insert-module-globals\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_writable.js:455:41)
at DestroyableTransform.onend (C:\Users\Jon\Auchitect\frontend\node_modules\module-deps\node_modules\through2\node_modules\readable-stream\lib\_stream_readable.js:495:10)
npm ERR! Test failed. See above for more details.
"name": "frontend",
"private": true,
"version": "0.1.0",
"main": "./js/main.js",
"directories": {
"doc": "doc"
"scripts": {
"test": "node build_test.js",
"start": "node build_main.js"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+https://loldrup@bitbucket.org/loldrup/auchitect.git"
"author": "Jon Loldrup",
"license": "UNLICENSED",
"homepage": "https://bitbucket.org/loldrup/auchitect#readme",
"dependencies": {
"gl-matrix-common": "*",
"gl-matrix-mat3": "*",
"ndarray": "*",
"ndarray-householder-qr": "*",
"ndarray-matrix-vector-product": "*",
"ndarray-ops": "*",
"three": "*",
"three-orbit-controls": "*"
"devDependencies": {
"browserify": "*",
"qunitjs": "*"
"browser": {}
var browserify = require('browserify');
var fs = require('fs');
var options = {
basedir: './js/',
debug: true,
noParse: ['three', 'qunitjs']
var outputFileStream = fs.createWriteStream('./js/test_bundle.js');
var b = browserify('./test.js', options);
b.bundle().pipe(outputFileStream); // process.stdout
"use strict";
var THREE = require('three');
var BoundedPlane_prototype = require('./BoundedPlane_prototype');
var utils_mat = require('../../../utils/mat');
var utils_matrix = require('../../../utils/matrix');
// the local (relative) plate index, given an absolute azimuth and polar index entry:
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | plate0 | plate1 | plate2 |
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | plate3 | plate4 | plate5 |
// +--------+--------+--------+
// | plate6 | plate7 | plate8 |
// +--------+--------+--------+
// assumes that the normal vector given as argument is normalized
THREE.BoundedPlane = function ( constant, normal, center, instanceDebug ) {
THREE.Plane.call(this, normal, constant);
this.center = center;
this.normalPoint_vector = this.normal.clone().multiplyScalar(constant); // this point might at any time be out of sync with this.normal and this.constant. Access only through the this.normalPoint() function.
this.bindingBPs = [];
this.boundingPoints = [];
this.instanceDebug = instanceDebug || false;
THREE.BoundedPlane.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype;
THREE.BoundedPlane.prototype.constructor = THREE.BoundedPlane;
Object.freeze( THREE.BoundedPlane );
THREE.BoundedPlane_from_pivot = function ( pivotLength, lowLeft, upLeft, lowRight, instanceDebug, visualDebug ) {
if ( instanceDebug ) {
if ( typeof lowLeft.debug !== "undefined" ) { console.log( "lowLeft.debug: ", lowLeft.debug ); }
if ( typeof upLeft.debug !== "undefined" ) { console.log( "upLeft.debug: ", upLeft.debug ); }
if ( typeof lowRight.debug !== "undefined" ) { console.log( "lowRight.debug: ", lowRight.debug ); }
var pivotAxis = new THREE.Lin3( upLeft, lowLeft.clone() ).project_end_to_Vector3( lowRight.sub(upLeft) );
var pivotLever = new THREE.Lin3( lowLeft, upLeft.clone() ).reject_end_to_Lin3( pivotAxis );
var pivotCenter = pivotAxis.end;
var leverSpan = pivotLever.length();
if ( instanceDebug && typeof lowLeft.debug !== "undefined" ) { console.log( "pivotCenter: ", pivotCenter ); }
// put an orthogonal circle with radius 'pivotLength' in lowLeft and find its
// tangent point by a line intersecting the point 'pivotCenter':
var center = new THREE.Vector2( 0, 0 );
var point = new THREE.Vector2( leverSpan, 0 );
var radius = pivotLength;
// get one out of two solutions in a local coordinate system of the plane spanned by the circle:
var tangentPoint_local_2D = utils_mat.circle_tangent_point( center, radius, point )[1];
// state the solution in a local 3D basis:
var tangentPoint_local_3D = new THREE.Vector3( tangentPoint_local_2D.x, 0, tangentPoint_local_2D.y );
// find the (local) basis vectors that were implicitly used when finding the tangentPoint:
var b_x = pivotLever.delta().normalize();
var b_z = pivotAxis.delta().clone().cross( b_x ).normalize();
var b_y = b_z.clone().cross( b_x ).normalize();
// convert the solution to the global 3D space:
var tangentPoint = utils_matrix.changeBasis( tangentPoint_local_3D, b_x, b_y, b_z, true );
var tangentLine = tangentPoint.sub( pivotLever.delta() );
var normal = tangentLine.cross( pivotAxis.delta() ).normalize();
var constant = pivotCenter.clone().projectOnVector( normal ).length();
if ( utils_mat.vectors_negatively_oriented( pivotCenter, normal ) ) { // if true, one has to walk the opposite way of the normal, in order to get to the plane
constant = -1 * constant; }
THREE.BoundedPlane.call( this, constant, normal, pivotCenter, instanceDebug );
if ( false && typeof visualDebug !== 'undefined' && visualDebug.debug ) {
// transform tangentPoint2:
var tangentPoint2 = utils_matrix.changeBasis( tangentPoint2_local_3D, b_x, b_z, b_y, true);
// add lowLeft to tangentPoint to make tangentPoint absolute:
var abs_tangentPoint2 = tangentPoint2.clone().add(lowLeft);
var tangentLine2 = abs_tangentPoint2.clone().sub(pivotCenter); // put in THREE.Line and add a ".cross" method to THREE.Line ?
var pivotAxisVector = upLeft.clone().sub(lowRight);
var new_normal_inverse = pivotAxisVector.cross(tangentLine2.clone()).normalize();
console.log( "tangentPoint2: ", tangentPoint2 );
console.log( "abs_tangentPoint2: ", abs_tangentPoint2 );
console.log( "normal: ", normal );
console.log( "new_normal_inverse: ", new_normal_inverse );
var abs_tangentPoint2_mesh = new THREE.PointHelper(abs_tangentPoint2, 4);
visualDebug.aScene.add(abs_tangentPoint2_mesh); //, fixPoint0_res1_mesh
// also add an axis helper:
var axisHelper_mesh = new THREE.AxisHelper(50);
// x = red
// y = green
// z = blue
THREE.BoundedPlane_from_pivot.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype;
THREE.BoundedPlane_from_parallel_projection = function ( aBoundedPlane, offset, flip, instanceDebug, visualDebug ) { // all fixPoint1's (presumably..)
let normal = aBoundedPlane.normal.clone();
// ***THIS IS LINE 119 ***
// assumes that the normal vector of 'aBoundedPlane' is already normalized:
let center = aBoundedPlane.center.clone().add(normal.multiplyScalar(offset)); // which "de-normalizes" normal...
// so please restore 'normal' after messing with it:
normal.x = aBoundedPlane.normal.x;
normal.y = aBoundedPlane.normal.y;
normal.z = aBoundedPlane.normal.z;
let constant = aBoundedPlane.constant + offset;
if ( utils_mat.vectors_negatively_oriented( center, normal ) ) // if true, one has to walk the opposite way of the normal, in order to get to the plane
{ constant = -1 * constant; }
if ( flip ) { normal.multiplyScalar(-1); constant = -1 * constant; }
THREE.BoundedPlane.call( this, constant, normal, center, instanceDebug );
THREE.BoundedPlane_from_parallel_projection.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype;
THREE.BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_twoBPs = function ( mainBP, otherBP, intended_BP_width, instanceDebug, vd ) {
var constant, normal, center, scalar;
//if ( typeof vd !== 'undefined' && vd.debug ) { console.log( "BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_twoBPs: got visualdebug" ); }
let intersection = utils_mat.plane_plane_intersection( mainBP, otherBP, false, vd );
if ( otherBP.point_on_face_side(mainBP.center) ) {
normal = mainBP.normal.clone().cross( intersection.orientation ).normalize(); }
else { normal = intersection.orientation.clone().cross( mainBP.normal ).normalize(); }
center = intersection.point.clone().projectOnVector( normal ); // fixme: remove clone?
constant = center.length(); // has to happen prior to reflecting the center
// Ensure that center stays within the intended width of the new BP:
center.projectOnPlane( mainBP.normal );
scalar = 1 - ( ( intended_BP_width / 2 ) / mainBP.normalPoint().length() );
center.add( mainBP.normalPoint().multiplyScalar( scalar ) );
var rolledBP = new THREE.BoundedPlane_rolled90_from_twoBPs( mainBP, otherBP, instanceDebug, vd );
center.sub( rolledBP.normalPoint() );
if ( mainBP.point_strictly_on_face_side( center ) ) {
center = mainBP.reflect_vector( center ); }
if ( utils_mat.vectors_negatively_oriented( center, normal ) ) { // if true, one has to walk the opposite way of the normal, in order to get to the plane
constant = -1 * constant; }
THREE.BoundedPlane.call( this, constant, normal, center, instanceDebug );
if ( typeof vd !== 'undefined' && vd.debug ) {
var mainBP_plane = new vd.THREE.PlaneHelper( mainBP.normal, mainBP.center, 10, 2);
var mainBP_center = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper( mainBP.center.clone() ).setColor( 0x00ffff );
var otherBP_plane = new vd.THREE.PlaneHelper( otherBP.normal, otherBP.center, 10, 2, 0xff0000, 0xff0000 );
var otherBP_center = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper( otherBP.center.clone() ).setColor( 0x00ffff );
var newBP_plane = new vd.THREE.PlaneHelper( normal.clone(), center.clone(), vd.size, vd.size/5, vd.color );
var newBP_normal = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper( normal.clone() ).setColor( 0xffff00 );
var newBP_center = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper( center.clone() ).setColor( 0xff7777 );
vd.aScene.add( newBP_plane, mainBP_plane, otherBP_plane, /*newBP_normal, newBP_center, mainBP_center, otherBP_center */ );
// also check out the 'rolled' plane:
var rolledBP_plane = new vd.THREE.PlaneHelper( rolledBP.normal, rolledBP.center, 10, 2, 0x0055aa);
var rolledBP_center = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper( rolledBP.center.clone() ).setColor( 0xff00ff ); // lilla
var rolledBP_normal = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper( rolledBP.normal.clone() ).setColor( 0xff00ff ); // lilla
var rolledBP_normalPoint = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper( rolledBP.normalPoint.clone() ).setColor( 0xff0077 );
console.log( "rolledBP: ", rolledBP );
vd.aScene.add( rolledBP_plane, /*rolledBP_center, rolledBP_normal,*/ rolledBP_normalPoint );
// also add an axis helper:
// var axisHelper_mesh = new THREE.AxisHelper(50);
// vd.aScene.add(axisHelper_mesh);
// x = red
// y = green
// z = blue
THREE.BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_twoBPs.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype;
THREE.BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_BP_and_2_Vectors = function ( aBP, v0, v1, intended_BP_width, instanceDebug, visualDebug ) {
let delta, constant, normalish, normal, center, length, scalar;
delta = v1.sub(v0);
normalish = delta.cross(aBP.normal); // this vector might be pointing the wrong way, depending on the order og args v0 and v1. It also lacks normalization.
normalish = v0.projectOnVector( normalish ); // this vector removes the ordering uncertainty, but still lacks the normalization.
constant = normalish.length();
normal = v1.copy(normalish).normalize();
center = normalish;
// Ensure that center stays within the intended width of the new BP:
center.projectOnPlane( aBP.normal );
scalar = 1 - ( ( intended_BP_width / 2 ) / aBP.normalPoint().length() );
center.add( aBP.normalPoint().multiplyScalar( scalar ) );
// The new plane should bend "backwards" in relation to aBP. Thus planes will, per default, tend to form
// a closed form. If other behaviour is desired (concave corners?), add a flag that activates this behaviour
if ( aBP.point_strictly_on_face_side( center ) ) {
center = aBP.reflect_vector( center ); }
THREE.BoundedPlane.call( this, constant, normal, center, instanceDebug );
// we want the normal to point away from the center of 'aBP':
if ( this.point_on_face_side( aBP.center ) ) {
this.normal = this.normal.multiplyScalar( -1 );
this.constant = -1 * this.constant }
THREE.BoundedPlane_pivoted90_from_BP_and_2_Vectors.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype;
THREE.BoundedPlane_rolled90_from_twoBPs = function ( mainBP, otherBP, instanceDebug, vd ) {
let constant, normal, center;
center = mainBP.center.clone().add( otherBP.center ).divideScalar( 2 );
constant = center.length();
let delta = otherBP.center.clone().sub( mainBP.center );
let normals_crossed = mainBP.normal.clone().cross( otherBP.normal ); // this vector might be pointing the wrong way, depending on the order of the vectors being crossed
normal = normals_crossed.clone().normalize(); // fixme: remove clone
if ( utils_mat.vectors_negatively_oriented( center, normal ) ) {
normal.multiplyScalar( -1 ) }
THREE.BoundedPlane.call( this, constant, normal, center, instanceDebug );
if ( typeof vd !== 'undefined' && vd.debug ) {
console.log( "hi" );
let normals_crossed_vh = new vd.THREE.VectorHelper( normals_crossed ).setColor( 0xaa00aa ); // lilla
vd.aScene.add( normals_crossed_vh );
THREE.BoundedPlane_rolled90_from_twoBPs.prototype = BoundedPlane_prototype;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
编辑:这是违规行:vd.aScene.add( newBP_plane, mainBP_plane, otherBP_plane, /*newBP_normal, newBP_center, mainBP_center, otherBP_center */ );