string = raw_input('Enter a string\n>>>')
def forward():
for i in string:
print i,
return str(i)
def backwards():
back = len(string) - 1
while back > 0:
print string[back],
back -= 1
return str(string[back])
def match():
next_string = raw_input('Enter another string')
if string.upper() == next_string.upper():
print 'the strings ', string, ' and ', next_string, ' match.'
print 'the strings ', string, ' and ', next_string, ' do not match.'
def palindrome():
print backwards() # When I don't print this call it only displays the last value in the string
y = forward() # When I do print this call it displays the last value in the string twice
# This is the only way where these calls are opposite