问题:我有N个连续的段,编号从1到N,M个颜色编号从1到M. 现在,有两个数字U和V定义为:
其中1 <= i,j,k <= N和
j = i + 1,k = j + 1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
我有一个递归但非[动态编程]的实现,这应该有助于让你指向正确的方向。它是在Common Lisp中实现的,因为没有指定语言。
(defun coprime-p (a b)
"check whether a and b are coprime"
(= (gcd a b) 1))
(defun coprime-triple-p (a b c)
"check whether (a+b) and (b+c) are coprime"
(coprime-p (+ a b) (+ b c)))
(defun coprime-triple-sequence-p (seq)
"check whether seq is a sequence of corpime triples"
;; if the length is less than 2 then
;; every triple is trivially coprime
((<= (length seq) 2) t)
(t (let
((a (nth 0 seq))
(b (nth 1 seq))
(c (nth 2 seq))
(tail (cdr seq)))
(if (coprime-triple-p a b c)
(coprime-triple-sequence-p tail)
(defun curry-cons (x)
"curried cons operator"
(lambda (list) (cons x list)))
(defun all-colorings (sections colors)
"generate all possible #colors-colorings of sections"
(assert (>= sections 0))
(assert (>= colors 1))
;; if there are no sections
;; then there are no colorings
((= sections 0) ())
;; when we have one section there is one coloring
;; for each color
((= sections 1) (loop for i from 1 upto colors collecting (list i)))
;; wildly inefficient
(loop for i from 1 upto colors appending
(mapcar (curry-cons i) (all-colorings (1- sections) colors))))))
(defun count-all-coprime-triple-colorings (sections colors)
"count all the colorings that have coprime triples"
(loop for i in (all-colorings sections colors) counting (coprime-triple-sequence-p i)))
(defun coprime-triple-check-boundary (reversed-prefix suffix)
"prefix = [...a, b] ; suffix = [c,...] ; check
gcd(a+b, b+c) != 1"
;; if there aren't enough elements in reversed-prefix and suffix
;; then we admit the list
(if (and (nth 1 reversed-prefix) (nth 0 suffix))
((b (nth 0 reversed-prefix)) (a (nth 1 reversed-prefix)) (c (nth 0 suffix)))
(coprime-triple-p a b c))
(defun count-all-coprime-triple-colorings-lazy (sections colors reversed-prefix)
"count the number of sequences with coprime triples with a particular number
of sections and colors with a particular reversed-prefix."
((sections-- (1- sections)))
((= sections 0) 1)
(t (loop for i from 1 upto colors summing
(if (coprime-triple-check-boundary reversed-prefix (list i))
(count-all-coprime-triple-colorings-lazy sections-- colors (cons i reversed-prefix))
(defun summarize-coloring (i j)
"summarize the given coloring number"
(print (list "triples" i "colors" j
(count-all-coprime-triple-colorings-lazy i j nil))))
(loop for i from 1 upto 9 doing
(loop for j from 1 upto 9 doing (summarize-coloring i j)))