来自:nth-​​of-type(n + 1)的意外行为

时间:2016-07-07 16:01:23

标签: css css3 css-selectors pseudo-class


  • :first-of-type
  • :last-of-type
  • :nth-of-type
  • :nth-last-of-type



  • 第1项有border-bottom
  • 第2项有border-bottom
  • 第3项有border-bottom
  • 第4项(最后一项)没有border-bottom


.item {
border-bottom:6px solid rgb(227,227,227);

.item:last-of-type {




.item:nth-of-type(n-1) {
    border-bottom:6px solid rgb(227,227,227);

.item:nth-last-of-type(n+1) {
    border-bottom:6px solid rgb(227,227,227);



如果是这样,我如何在单一声明中声明"除最后一项" 之外的所有内容?




<img src="" title="" alt="" />
<span class="something-else">Blah</span>
<span class="item">Item Details</span>

<img src="" title="" alt="" />
<span class="something-else">Blah</span>
<span class="item">Item Details</span>

<img src="" title="" alt="" />
<span class="something-else">Blah</span>
<span class="item">Item Details</span>

<img src="" title="" alt="" />
<span class="something-else">Blah</span>
<span class="item">Item Details</span>

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



选择类:not的所有元素,即:last-of-type :not()

请注意,您可以将/* This is valid */ p:not(.classA):not(.classB):not(.classC) { /* ... */ } /* This isn’t: */ p:not(.classA.classB.classC) { /* ... */ } 与任何单个选择器一起使用。

/* First part to populate example data */
//	The universo of people
var people = [];
//	The single person item
var person = {};
var count;
//	The lenth of the array
var len = 250;

//	We're gonna create an array with the format
//	[
//		{
//			"id": 1,
//			"origin": "a",
//			"destination": "b"
//		},
//		...
//	]
for ( count = 1; count <= len; count ++) {
	var rnd = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 25);
	rnd = String.fromCharCode(97 + rnd)
	person = {};
	person.id = count;
	person.origin = rnd;
	rnd = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 25);
	rnd = String.fromCharCode(97 + rnd)
	person.destination = rnd;
	people.push( person );	

//	Here people is the universe of data
console.log ( people );

//	Here we get a random person in people
//	this person for run the test
rnd = Math.ceil(Math.random() * len);
person = people[rnd];
console.log( person );

//	Next is the actual algorith
//	The path is the array to return, obviously starting with person
path = [person];
//	Route will the actual route of change to move the people and get where they want
//	we call findMyPath a recursive function
route = findMyPath( person, person, path, people );
console.log( route );

 *	This recursive function actually implements the algorithm
function findMyPath(source, currentItem, path, universe) {
	//	The algorithm is:
	//	Reverse query: 
	//	Instead of find the people that is where I want to go,
	//	find the people that want to go where I am
	//	if at least one is where I want to go, then I'm done
	//	if not, then repeat recursively for every finding
	//	Holds the people that wanto to go where I am
	var findings = [];

	//	Loop the universe
	for ( i = 0; i< universe.length; i++ ) {
		//	tmp is the current item in the universe
		var tmp = universe[i];	
		//	If he/she want to go where I am
		if ( currentItem.origin == tmp.destination ) {
			//	It's a finding!
			findings.push( tmp );
			//	If he/she is where I want to go			
			if ( source.destination == tmp.origin ) {
				//	It's a change complete, I'm done now
				console.log( 'Found the route of changes!' );				
				path.push( tmp );
				return path;
	//	If we get here, we don't find a trade course yet,
	//	the repeat recursively for all findinds
	for ( i = 0; i < findings.length; i++ ) {
		path.push( findings[0] );
		return findMyPath(source, findings[0], path, universe);
	} // end for
} // end function findMyPath

答案 1 :(得分:2)



是的,这就是:nth-of-type(n-1)似乎与每个元素匹配的原因:n计数无数次。因此,当n为1加上该元素类型的子项总数时,最后一个类型仍将匹配。换句话说,任何n-b(或b的{​​{1}})的n+b表达式等同于b <= 1(本身n),是保证匹配。



