import os
import argparse
import fnmatch
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""This application takes a string and navigates the file system looking
for either a file or directory with the name of the string that was
passed. The output should be the absolute path (e.g. full path) to the
directory or file.""")
type = str,
help = 'This is the root directory to start looking in. This is required.',
help = 'This is the string to use to search for file or directory. This is required.',
parser.add_argument('-f', '--file',
help = 'This will force the program to only list files. This is optional.',
action = 'store_true',
parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory',
help = 'This will force the program to only list directories. This is optional.',
action = 'store_true',
parser.add_argument('-m', '--last-modified',
help='The time the file/directory was last modified. This is optional.',
action = 'store_true')
if __name__ == '__main__':
arguments = parser.parse_args(['/Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python', 'testfile'])
arguments = parser.parse_args()
root_directory = arguments.Root
search_string = arguments.String
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_directory):
for dir in dirs:
for file in files:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, search_string + ".*"):
print "File found at: " + os.path.join(root, dir, file)
文件匹配" testfile"仅存在于以下3个文件夹中,但对于存在的每个文件夹,都会打印错误的文件名。
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/.idea/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/Argument Passing/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/Assignment 1/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/Assignment 2/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/Assignment 3/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/Assignment 4/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/ClassExample/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/dummy/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/file.system/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/Hangman/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/HierarchyDemo/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/InheritanceExample/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/prob2/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/Quiz 4/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/Rosalind/testfile.txt
File found at: /Users/marco/Dropbox/School/Python/Quiz 4/testfile/testfile.txt