
时间:2016-07-06 05:07:18

标签: java mongodb mongodb-query

我希望获得varifiedDate secondaryParents内的0不是{ "_id" : ObjectId("577a151859defb33c0f8bf4a"), "_class" : "com.nv.tracker.db.model.User", "parentId" : NumberLong(1000004), "userId" : NumberLong(1000005), "firstName" : "Pranav", "lastName" : "Rathore", "addr" : { "address" : "", "landmark" : "", "city" : "", "state" : "", "country" : "" }, "email" : "ashish.dubey@newvisionsoftware.in", "mobile" : "7879066069", "createdDate" : ISODate("2016-07-04T07:49:44.000Z"), "activeStatus" : false, "imagePath" : "", "deviceId" : "78 79 066069", "isSuperUser" : false, "dob" : "1468348200000", "checkAndriodOrIos" : 0, "isLogin" : false, "otp" : 0, "batteryLevel" : 30, "locationInterval" : 60, "deviceSpeed" : 45, "primaryMobile" : "9039101994", "secondaryMobile1" : "9039101994", "secondaryMobile2" : "", "primaryEmail" : "ashish.dubey@newvisionsoftware.in", "secondaryEmail1" : "abb@hh.con", "secondaryEmail2" : "", "isVerified" : false, "currentBatteryLevel" : 0, "currentSpeed" : 0, "subscriptionExpDate" : NumberLong(1498132426000), "enableNotification" : 1, "enableTakeOffAlert" : 0, "deleted" : false, "hasExternalDevice" : false, "secondaryParents" : { "1000003" : { "secondaryparentId" : NumberLong(1000003), "varifiedDate" : NumberLong(14676286792586), "addedDate" : NumberLong(1467628679286), "secreteCode" : "18716" }, "1000004" : { "secondaryparentId" : NumberLong(1000004), "varifiedDate" : NumberLong(0), "addedDate" : NumberLong(1467628679286), "secreteCode" : "18716" } } } 的结果。我怎样才能做到这一点?



我希望secondaryParents 0内的#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct FFJSON{ template <typename T> FFJSON& operator=(T const& t){ cout << "Assigning the object" << endl; ts=(void*)&t; return *this; }; FFJSON& operator=(const char* s){return *this;}; FFJSON& operator=(const string& s){return *this;}; FFJSON& operator=(const int& i){return *this;}; FFJSON& operator=(const unsigned int& i){return *this;}; template <typename T> operator T(){ cout << "Returning the object." << endl; return *ts; } void* ts; }; int main(int argh, char** argv) { FFJSON f; timespec tt = {3,2}; f = tt; timespec& t=(timespec&)f; cout << "sec:"<<t.tv_sec<<endl; cout << "usec:"<<t.tv_nsec<<endl; return 0; } 不是Assigning the object sec:126885484802960 nsec:4197094 的用户。

请建议我如何实现这一目标。还提供了使用java&#39; mongodb的最佳教程。使用标准API。

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