我想将缓冲区而不是文件中存储的音频数据提供给ffmpeg。我不想为音频文件提供文件路径。 有可能吗?
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是。只需将FFmpeg作为子进程执行,并通过STDIO将数据传输给它。使用let sceneBody = SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFromRect: self.frame)
sceneBody.friction = 0
self.physicsBody = sceneBody
var ball = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: 9)
ball.fillColor = SKColor.whiteColor()
ball.position = view.center
ball.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(circleOfRadius: 9)
ball.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = true
ball.physicsBody?.restitution = 1
ball.physicsBody?.linearDamping = 0
ball.zPosition = 3
circulo = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "circuloFondo2")
//Circle that I want the ball bounce within
circulo.size = CGSize(width:view.frame.size.width - padding , height: view.frame.size.width - padding)
circulo.color = UIColor(red: 0.15, green: 0.15, blue: 0.15, alpha: 1)
circulo.colorBlendFactor = 1
circulo.alpha = 0.35
circulo.position = view.center
circulo.zPosition = 1
作为输入文件,并确保为音频数据设置正确的格式。 https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/audio%20types