我目前正在编写一个PHP脚本来读取具有三个以上节点级别(深度> 2)的XML文件的所有节点。但是我只能准确地读到一级孩子。
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<document nipperstudio="" xmlversion="2" xmlrevision="3">
<part index="1" title="Your Report" ref="YOURREPORT">
<section index="1.1" title="Introduction" ref="INTRODUCTION">
<text>Inside the section 1.1.:</text>
<list type="bullet">
<listitem>detailed description of list item 01;</listitem>
<listitem>detailed description of list item 02;</listitem>
<section index="1.2" title="Report Conventions" ref="REPORTCONVENTIONS">
<text>This report makes use of the text conventions.</text>
<table index="3" title="Report text conventions" ref="REPORTTEXTCONVENTIONS">
<part index="2" title="Security Audit" ref="SECURITYAUDIT">
<section index="2.1" title="Introduction" ref="INTRODUCTION">
<text>Inside the section 2.1.:</text>
<list type="bullet">
<listitem>detailed description of list item 01;</listitem>
<listitem>detailed description of list item 02;</listitem>
<section index="2.1.1" title="Issue Overview" ref="ISSUEOVERVIEW">
<text>Inside the section 2.1.1</text>
<text title="Issue Finding">The is the body text of 2.1.1.</text>
<section index="2.1.2" title="Rating Overview" ref="RATINGSYSTEM">
<text>Inside the section 2.1.1</text>
<text title="Issue Finding">The is the body text of 2.1.1.</text>
<section index="2.2" title="section title" ref="SECTION2.2">
<section index="2.2.1" title="Finding" ref="FINDING">
<text>Inside the section 2.2.1</text>
<text title="Issue Finding">The is the body text of 2.2.1.</text>
<title>Test XML Reader</title>
<p>Output from xmlreader</p>
function readXmlFiles(){
// create the reader object
$reader = new XMLReader();
// reader the XML file.
$reader->open("./fwxml/03.xml"); //open the xml file to read.
while($reader->read()) {
switch($reader->nodeType) {
if ($reader->localName == 'report') { //read the local name of the node
$node = $reader->expand();
$dom = new DomDocument();
$n = $dom->importNode($node,true);
foreach(($dom->getElementsByTagName('part')) as $fwpart) {
$parttitle = $fwpart->getAttribute('title');
echo "=====".$parttitle."=====<br>";
foreach(($fwpart->childNodes) as $cnode){
if($cnode->nodeName == 'section'){
$index = $cnode->getAttribute('index');
$title = $cnode->getAttribute('title');
$ref = $cnode->getAttribute('ref');
echo "Index = " .$index."<br>";
echo "Title = " .$title."<br>";
echo "Ref = " .$ref."<br>";
$fwsec = $dom->getElementsByTagName('section');
echo $fwsec->item(0)->nodeValue."<br>";
echo "<br><br><br>";
}//end of if
}//end of foreach
break; //end of XMLREADER::ELEMENT
// do something based on when the element closes.
} //end of function