PHP Woocommerce购物车中的最低产品数量

时间:2016-07-05 14:25:21

标签: php wordpress woocommerce






// Set minimum quantity per product before checking out
if(woo_in_cart($5579)) {
add_action( 'woocommerce_check_cart_items', 'spyr_set_min_qty_per_product' );
function spyr_set_min_qty_per_product() {
// Only run in the Cart or Checkout pages
if( is_cart() || is_checkout() ) {  
    global $woocommerce;

    // Product Id and Min. Quantities per Product
    $product_min_qty = array( 
        array( 'id' => 91, 'min' => 4),

    // Will increment
    $i = 0;
    // Will hold information about products that have not
    // met the minimum order quantity
    $bad_products = array();

    // Loop through the products in the Cart
    foreach( $woocommerce->cart->cart_contents as $product_in_cart ) {
        // Loop through our minimum order quantities per product
        foreach( $product_min_qty as $product_to_test ) {
            // If we can match the product ID to the ID set on the minimum required array
            if( $product_to_test['id'] == $product_in_cart['product_id'] ) {
                // If the quantity required is less than than the quantity in the cart now
                if( $product_in_cart['quantity'] < $product_to_test['min'] ) {
                    // Get the product ID
                    $bad_products[$i]['id'] = $product_in_cart['product_id'];
                    // Get the Product quantity already in the cart for this product
                    $bad_products[$i]['in_cart'] = $product_in_cart['quantity'];
                    // Get the minimum required for this product
                    $bad_products[$i]['min_req'] = $product_to_test['min'];
        // Increment $i

    // Time to build our error message to inform the customer
    // About the minimum quantity per order.
    if( is_array( $bad_products) && count( $bad_products ) > 1 ) {
        // Lets begin building our message
        $message = '<strong>A minimum quantity of the choosen Brewer has not been met. (Kuerig 140 Reqiures A Minimum of 4 Boxes to Order)<br />(Kuerig 150 Reqiures A Minimum of 8 Boxes to Order)<br />(Kuerig K3000SE Reqiures A Minimum of 12 Boxes to Order)<br />(Kuerig Bolt Carafe Reqiures A Minimum of 10 Boxes to Order)</strong><br />';
        foreach( $bad_products as $bad_product ) {
            // Append to the current message
            $message .= get_the_title( $bad_product['id'] ) .' requires a minimum quantity of '
                     . $bad_product['min_req'] 
                     .'. You currently have: '. $bad_product['in_cart'] .'.<br />';
        wc_add_notice( $message, 'error' );

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