
时间:2016-07-05 04:02:40

标签: vb.net





所以,问题仍然存在..如何设置tabstop ..或任何类似的方法,到两个面板之间的文本框,以便当用户在一个面板中按Tab键时,它会切换到另一个面板?


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您必须将表单上每个控件的False属性设置为Private Sub TextBoxes_PreviewKeyDown(sender As Object, e As PreviewKeyDownEventArgs) Handles TextBox6.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox5.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox4.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox3.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox2.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox1.PreviewKeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.Tab Then Dim controls As Control() = {TextBox1, TextBox4, TextBox2, TextBox5, TextBox3, TextBox6, Button2} Dim currentControlIndex = Array.IndexOf(controls, ActiveControl) Dim nextControl = controls(currentControlIndex + 1) nextControl.Select() End If End Sub ,然后自行处理标签,您可以这样做:



另请注意,默认情况下不会选择任何控件,如果它们都没有停止,在这种情况下,您必须手动Shown您希望在窗体中Private Sub Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Shown 'Manually focus the first control after the form is displayed. Button1.Select() End Sub 'Include all the controls that you want to behave as Tab stops in the Handles clause. 'The order is unimportant but ordering them you will Tab to them is not a bad idea. Private Sub TextBoxes_PreviewKeyDown(sender As Object, e As PreviewKeyDownEventArgs) Handles Button1.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox1.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox4.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox2.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox5.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox3.PreviewKeyDown, TextBox6.PreviewKeyDown, Button2.PreviewKeyDown If e.KeyCode = Keys.Tab Then 'This array must contain all controls to behave as Tab stops in order and the first must be repeated at the end. Dim controls As Control() = {Button1, TextBox1, TextBox4, TextBox2, TextBox5, TextBox3, TextBox6, Button2, Button1} 'Find the currently active control in the array. Dim currentControlIndex = Array.IndexOf(controls, ActiveControl) 'Get the next control in the manual tab order. Dim nextControl = controls(currentControlIndex + 1) 'Focus that next control. nextControl.Select() End If End Sub 拥有焦点的控件{{1} 1}}事件处理程序。




Manual Tab Form