MySQL - 按日期时间段计算的峰值访问次数

时间:2016-07-04 23:47:49

标签: mysql

我有一个访问表(id int,start datetime,end datetime),我希望跟踪峰值访问次数。


| id   | date-time-1         | date-time-2         |
| 1059 | 2016-07-04 19:13:00 | 2016-07-04 19:20:05 |
| 1060 | 2016-07-04 19:13:30 | 2016-07-04 19:14:25 |
| 1061 | 2016-07-04 19:14:39 | 2016-07-04 19:20:05 |
| 1062 | 2016-07-05 02:34:40 | 2016-07-05 02:45:23 |
| 1063 | 2016-07-05 02:34:49 | 2016-07-05 02:45:34 |


| date-time-1         | date-time-2         | count | 
| 2016-07-04 19:13:00 | 2016-07-04 19:13:29 | 1     | 
| 2016-07-04 19:13:30 | 2016-07-04 19:14:25 | 2     | 
| 2016-07-04 19:14:26 | 2016-07-04 19:14:38 | 1     | 
| 2016-07-04 19:14:39 | 2016-07-04 19:20:05 | 2     | 
| 2016-07-04 19:20:06 | 2016-07-05 02:34:39 | 0     | 
| 2016-07-05 02:34:40 | 2016-07-05 02:34:48 | 1     | 
| 2016-07-05 02:34:49 | 2016-07-05 02:45:23 | 2     | 
| 2016-07-05 02:45:24 | 2016-07-05 02:45:34 | 1     | 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


select U.dt1 as date-time-1, DATE_ADD(U.dt2,INTERVAL -1 SECOND) as date-time-2, 
    (select count(id) from Visits where 
    (dt1 >= u.dt1 and dt1<U.dt2)  --(dt1)dt2
    or (dt1<u.dt1 and dt2>=u.dt2)   -- dt1()dt2
    --or (dt2 >= u.dt1 and dt2<U.dt2) -- dt1(dt2) (comment this line to get your result which I believe is incorrect)
    ) as count 
from (
    select A.dt1 as dt1, (
        select min(M.dt) from ( select min(dt2) as dt from Visits where dt2 > A.dt1 union select min(dt1) as dt from Visits where dt1 > A.dt1) M
    ) as dt2 from Visits A
    select B.dt2 as dt1, (
        select min(M.dt) from ( select min(dt2) as dt from Visits where dt2 > b.dt2 union select min(dt1) as dt from Visits where dt1 > b.dt2) M 
    ) as dt2 from Visits b where B.dt2 <> (select max(dt2) from Visits)
) U 


答案 1 :(得分:0)

因此,为了完成这项工作,您需要了解您的期间和之间的重叠。我们在评论中同意,为了让它以正确的方式工作,你应该从第二行开始,至少有一秒加到前一端。为了理解我将添加一个图表,显示您的期间将如何以及正好在package ->表格的时间段之后,这样您最终会看到时间(因为所有期间都是同一天和小时,我将在图表上留下几分钟和几秒钟)


为了实现这样的时间段,我创建了一个13:00 13:30 14:26 14:39 ^ ^ ^ ^ |------------||-----------||----------||-----------| |_ 13:31 |_ 14:25 |_ 14:40 |_ 20:05 --and in your table 13:00 20:05 ^ ^ |--------------------------------------------------| |------------| 14:39 20:05 |_ 13:30 |_ 14:25 ^ ^ |------------| 以方便查询,这里是代码:


此观点的目的是确定您所定期间的所有日期create or replace view vw_times as select dtstart as dt from visits UNION select dtend as dt from visits; starts



从中你可以SELECT case when cnt>1 then date_add(dtstart,interval 1 second) else dtstart end as dtstart, dtend from (SELECT dtstart, dtend, @ct:=@ct+1 as cnt FROM ( SELECT t1.dt as dtstart, (select min(x.dt) from vw_times as x where x.dt > t1.dt ) as dtend FROM vw_times t1, (select @ct := 0) as cttab ORDER BY t1.dt ) t2 WHERE dtend is not null ) as t3 你的桌子找到这样的重叠时期:



SELECT times.dtstart, times.dtend, count(*)
  FROM (SELECT case when cnt>1 
                 then date_add(dtstart,interval 1 second) 
                 else dtstart 
                 end as dtstart,
        from (SELECT dtstart, 
                     @ct:=@ct+1 as cnt
                FROM ( SELECT t1.dt as dtstart,
                              (select min(x.dt) 
                                 from vw_times as x
                                where x.dt > t1.dt
                               ) as dtend
                         FROM vw_times t1,
                              (select @ct := 0) as cttab
                        ORDER BY t1.dt
                      ) t2
                WHERE dtend is not null
              ) as t3
       ) as times 
       LEFT JOIN visits v 
              ON (    times.dtstart >= v.dtstart
                  AND times.dtend <= v.dtend)
 GROUP BY times.dtstart, times.dtend




dtstart                      dtend                   count(*)
July, 04 2016 19:13:00       July, 04 2016 19:13:30     1
July, 04 2016 19:13:31       July, 04 2016 19:14:25     2
July, 04 2016 19:14:26       July, 04 2016 19:14:39     1
July, 04 2016 19:14:40       July, 04 2016 19:20:05     2


SELECT times.dtstart, 
       case when times.dtend = vmax.maxend
            then date_add(times.dtend, interval 1 second)
            else times.dtend
            end as dtend, 
  FROM  (SELECT dtstart, 
          FROM ( SELECT t1.dt as dtstart,
                        (select min(date_sub(x.dt, interval 1 second)) 
                           from vw_times as x
                          where x.dt > t1.dt
                        ) as dtend
                   FROM vw_times t1
                  ORDER BY t1.dt
               ) t2
        WHERE t2.dtend is not null
       ) as times 
       LEFT JOIN visits as v
              ON (    times.dtstart >= v.dtstart
                  AND times.dtend <= v.dtend)
       LEFT JOIN (select max(date_sub(v.dtend, interval 1 second)) as maxend
                    from visits v) vmax
              ON ( times.dtend = vmax.maxend )
 GROUP BY times.dtstart, 
          case when times.dtend = vmax.maxend
            then date_add(times.dtend, interval 1 second)
            else times.dtend
