
时间:2016-07-01 21:09:45

标签: python multithreading pyserial

我是Python和编程的新手。我正在尝试使用pyserial编写设备驱动程序。我打开了一个线程,它将从设备读取数据并将其发送到std out。在我的主循环中,我使用了一个函数,它将std中的指令作为字符串读取,并使用字典将它们写入设备。

我的程序正在阅读我的指令,但没有显示应该从设备中传出的任何数据 - 我知道它写入设备,因为当我使用不在我的字典中的指令时它会崩溃。以下是我的代码的结构:

import serial
import threading
#ser is my serial object

def writeInstruction(ser):
#reads an instruction string from stdin and writes the corresponding instruction to the device
    instruction = raw_input('cmd> ')
    if instr == 'disable_all': defaultMode(ser)
    else: ser.write(dictionaryOfInstructions[instruction])

def readData(ser):
# - Reads one package from the device, calculates the checksum and outputs through stdout
# - the package content (excludes the Package head, length, and checksum) as a string
    while True:
          packetHead = binascii.hexlify(
          packetLength = binascii.hexlify(
          packetContent = binascii.hexlify(, 16) - 1))

          if checkSum(packetHead + packetLength + packetContent):
             print packetContent

readThread = threading.Thread (target = readData, args = ser)

while True:


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import serial
from threading import Thread
from functools import wraps

# decorate the function - start another thread
def run_async(func):

        def async_func(*args, **kwargs):
                func_hl = Thread(target = func, args = args, kwargs = kwargs)
                return func_hl

        return async_func

@run_async                     #use asyncronously 
def writeInstruction(ser):
    #reads command from stdin
    #Writes the command to the device (enabling data output)

@run_async                     #use asynchronously
def readData(ser):
    #reads the packets coming from the device
    #prints it through std out

your_arg = 'test'