c ++二维数组内存分配

时间:2016-07-01 10:39:32

标签: c++ c arrays memory-management

之前我没有真正关注过这个问题,但是我理解为2D数组分配内存最直接的方法是首先创建指针数组然后为每个指针指定一个单独的块,这是非常令人惊讶的。实际数组内容的内存。然后可以在整个存储器中扩展数组,并且访问多行的元素(如A [i] [N-1] - > A [i + 1] [0])可能导致性能损失。

stackoverflow上的某个地方,我找到了一个完美的类C解决方案,在一个malloc调用中分配空间。 但是使用malloc和不安全的指针转换不是一个很好的C ++实践,所以我决定调查我可以google /代码重新创建这个C方法,并构建将存储在单个中的普通2D数组(A [m] [n])记忆块(rowise)。

我想知道这些解决方案是否存在任何问题。我在这里提供了一个在Windows 2015中使用/ Wall在Windows 10下编译的工作代码片段,其中没有关于我的代码的警告。两个函数分配内存,C类和C ++类似。我还为x86和x64编译了它,并且可以在代码部分之后找到样本日志。



void allocate(int m, int n, int** & arr)
// Allocates memory that is sufficient for storing m pointers to rows plus m*n continuos array
arr = (int**)malloc(m * sizeof(int*) + m*n * sizeof(int));

// First block of memory (m*sizeof(int*)) should be assigned with pointers to rows from second block of memory
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    // arr is int**, arr + 1 shift pointer for sizeof(int*) bytes
    // arr + m points to the beginning of second (array) memory block, but it is of int** type;
    // consider it as a pointer to a single block of (int*), thus cast
    *(arr + i) = (int*)(arr + m) + n*i;

    //(int*)(arr + m) is the beginning of array, + n*i shifts to i-th row, j - iterates along that row
    // finally, * allows to zero memory at that address
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        *((int*)(arr + m) + n*i + j) = 0;


void allocatecpp(int m, int n, int** & p)
// Uses reinterpret_cast<T> as it performs casts from int** to int*, which are not allowed with normal casts
// Allocates memory that is sufficient for storing m pointers to rows plus m*n continuos array; function ::operator new(size)
p = reinterpret_cast<int**> (::operator new(m*n * sizeof(int) + m*sizeof(int*)));

// Iterates through first block of memory, assigning addresses of respective rows
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    // Logic is the same as in C-style, but with some C++ stuff
    *(p + i) = reinterpret_cast<int*>(p + m) + n*i;
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        // Zeros memory
        *(reinterpret_cast<int*>(p + m) + n*i + j) = 0;


int main()
// Define size of an array; array of m rows x n columns
int m = 5, n = 4;

// array pointer, not sure how to use smart pointer here

int** arr;

// Allocates memory
allocatecpp(m, n, arr);

// Normally iterates through a 2D array, assigning values that correspond to the element position; e.g. element [3][2] gets value 43
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
        arr[i][j] = 10 * (i+1) + (j+1);

// Address of the beginning; value of arr treated as a pointer
printf("Address of the beginning: 0x%p\r\n", arr);

// Moves along row address space and asks for addresses of a specific row
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
    printf("Row %i at address 0x%p pointing to 0x%p\r\n", i, arr+i, *(arr + i));


// A pointer to an actual block of memory that represents array as continuous memory piece; casted to int*
int* p = (int*)(arr + m);

// Iterates through the whole array and prints addresses of elements and values (which correspond to position in matrix)
for (int i = 0; i < m * n; i++)
    printf("0x%p\t%02i\r\n", p + i, *(p + i));

delete (arr);

return 0;


Address of the beginning: 0x00DADD18

Row 0 at address 0x00DADD18 pointing to 0x00DADD2C

Row 1 at address 0x00DADD1C pointing to 0x00DADD3C

Row 2 at address 0x00DADD20 pointing to 0x00DADD4C

Row 3 at address 0x00DADD24 pointing to 0x00DADD5C

Row 4 at address 0x00DADD28 pointing to 0x00DADD6C

0x00DADD2C  11

0x00DADD30  12

0x00DADD34  13

0x00DADD38  14

0x00DADD3C  21

0x00DADD40  22

0x00DADD44  23

0x00DADD48  24

0x00DADD4C  31

0x00DADD50  32

0x00DADD54  33

0x00DADD58  34

0x00DADD5C  41

0x00DADD60  42

0x00DADD64  43

0x00DADD68  44

0x00DADD6C  51

0x00DADD70  52

0x00DADD74  53

0x00DADD78  54


Address of the beginning: 0x000001D9E0FB4DE0

Row 0 at address 0x000001D9E0FB4DE0 pointing to 0x000001D9E0FB4E08

Row 1 at address 0x000001D9E0FB4DE8 pointing to 0x000001D9E0FB4E18

Row 2 at address 0x000001D9E0FB4DF0 pointing to 0x000001D9E0FB4E28

Row 3 at address 0x000001D9E0FB4DF8 pointing to 0x000001D9E0FB4E38

Row 4 at address 0x000001D9E0FB4E00 pointing to 0x000001D9E0FB4E48

0x000001D9E0FB4E08  11

0x000001D9E0FB4E0C  12

0x000001D9E0FB4E10  13

0x000001D9E0FB4E14  14

0x000001D9E0FB4E18  21

0x000001D9E0FB4E1C  22

0x000001D9E0FB4E20  23

0x000001D9E0FB4E24  24

0x000001D9E0FB4E28  31

0x000001D9E0FB4E2C  32

0x000001D9E0FB4E30  33

0x000001D9E0FB4E34  34

0x000001D9E0FB4E38  41

0x000001D9E0FB4E3C  42

0x000001D9E0FB4E40  43

0x000001D9E0FB4E44  44

0x000001D9E0FB4E48  51

0x000001D9E0FB4E4C  52

0x000001D9E0FB4E50  53

0x000001D9E0FB4E54  54

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)





  1. 如果数组在某种程度上对不同的行有不同的大小(你的不是);
  2. 如果您有一个非常碎片堆,那么尝试分配一个(比如说)1MB块就不太可能成功(比如说)1000个1kB块。
  3. 但是你{{}} {{}}一块记忆,所以上面的1.和2.以上都不适用。


    1. 传递二维数组需要在编译时知道列数:



      • void Legal(int a[][1000]); void Illegal(int a[][]); void PointerVersion(int *a[], int numCols); 有效,因为编译器可以解决如何访问Legal();
      • 的问题
      • a[1][0]无法正常工作,因为编译器无法弄清楚如何访问Illegal();
      • a[1][0]很明显 - 在运行时传入列数。
    2. 您没有收到警告的原因是您在整个地方进行了类型转换 - 特别是PointerVersion()不寒而栗!)。肯定有时候需要引用指针指向 - 这不是其中之一!


      int **&

      以上显示&#34; 2-D阵列&#34;实际上是指向typedef int Array1D[1000]; // 1,000 ints in a 1-D array typedef Array1D *Array2D[1000]; // 1,000 pointers to 1-D arrays - a 2-D array!(?) s的1-D数组的一维指针数组。这些需要作为int(指向指向 - int **的指针)传递。


      int *

      int *array = (int *)malloc(m*n * sizeof(int)); 现在是一个指向整数的指针。但是,它也是指向数组开头的指针;或2-D阵列;或三维阵列;或者...这就是为什么上面的#3也是不必要的。将array传递到任何地方(如有必要,作为int *),并传递列数。

      • 你不会失去进行双重引用的时间;
      • 你不会在你正在做的事情上失去任何清晰度。

      或者,正如其他人所提到的那样,将所有内容置于int *&并隐藏所有内容。