我认为我会以正确的方式解决这个问题,但它似乎无法发挥作用。我试图嵌套if / elseif /然后根据响应循环一些命令。在try / catch设置中这会更正确吗?
$ecuPort = new-Object System.IO.Ports.SerialPort COM8,9600,None,8,one
# Set OBD Mode/PID
$obdMode = "27" # Mode
$obdPid = "02" # PID change value to 1 to get the seed
# ----------------------
[int]$i = '1' # Counter Start
:keyLoop while ( $i -lt '65535') {
$key = "{0:X}" -f [int]$i # ---- Loop setup----
$request = $obdMode + $obdPid + $key.PadLeft(4,"0")
$ecuPort.Write($request) # ---Send Request---
start-sleep -m 400
$input = $ecuPort.ReadExisting() # -split " " # ---Get Response----
$response = $input[2,3] -join ""
if ($response -eq '35') { # ----Main Logic-----
$key | Add-Content KeyLogger.txt # Log keys for testing
$i++ # advance key counter
Start-Sleep -m 11000 # 10 second delay
continue keyLoop
elseif ($response -eq '34') {
Write-Host("Unlock Key:") $key
$key | Out-File Unlocked.txt
# blink led
elseif ($response -eq '36') {
Start-Sleep -m 400
Start-Sleep -m 5000
continue keyLoop
elseif ($response -eq '37') {
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 11000
continue keyLoop
then {
我还在学习,所以对我很轻松,我意识到这是非常基本的东西,但我仍然在语法上很弱。我试图为每个if运行脚本块,然后继续开始':keyLoop标签'循环。因此,继续声明。似乎永远不会在循环中运行代码! 感谢