input:focus { ... }
我想我需要保留一份客户名单,但我不确定最好的方法是什么样的。@ / p>
let echo (ws : WebSocket) =
fun cx -> socket {
let loop = ref true
while !loop do
let! msg = ws.read();
match msg with
| (Text, data, true) ->
let str = UTF8.toString data
printfn "****** Received: %s" str
do! ws.send Text data true
| (Ping, _, _) ->
do! ws.send Pong [||] true
| (Close, _, _) ->
do! ws.send Close [||] true
loop := false
| _ -> ()
let start home port =
let config =
{ defaultConfig with
logger = Logging.Loggers.saneDefaultsFor Logging.LogLevel.Verbose
bindings = [ (if port |> String.IsNullOrEmpty then
HttpBinding.mkSimple HTTP "" 3000
else HttpBinding.mkSimple HTTP "" (int32 port)) ]
homeFolder = home |> Some }
let app =
path "/echo" >=> handShake echo
NOT_FOUND "Sorry there is nothing there"
startWebServer config app