
时间:2010-09-28 10:47:29

标签: c# .net string graphics

为什么我必须将MeasureString()结果宽度增加21% size.Width = size.Width * 1.21f; 逃避DrawString()中的Word Wrap?




  SizeF size = graphics.MeasureString(element.Currency, Currencyfont, new PointF(0, 0), strFormatLeft);
  size.Width = size.Width * 1.21f;
  int freespace = rect.Width - (int)size.Width;
  if (freespace < ImageSize) { if (freespace > 0) ImageSize = freespace; else ImageSize = 0; }
  int FlagY = y + (CurrencySize - ImageSize) / 2;
  int FlagX = (freespace - ImageSize) / 2;
  graphics.DrawImage(GetResourseImage(@"Flags." + element.Flag.ToUpper() + ".png"), 
         new Rectangle(FlagX, FlagY, ImageSize, ImageSize));
  graphics.DrawString(element.Currency, Currencyfont, Brushes.Black, 
       new Rectangle(FlagX + ImageSize, rect.Y, (int)(size.Width), CurrencySize), strFormatLeft);


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


答案 1 :(得分:3)

Graphics.MeasureString,TextRenderer.MeasureText和Graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges 所有返回的大小都包含字形周围的空白像素,以容纳上升和下降。


Public Shared Function MeasureStringSize(ByVal graphics As Graphics, ByVal text As String, ByVal font As Font) As SizeF

    ' Get initial estimate with MeasureText
    Dim flags As TextFormatFlags = TextFormatFlags.Left + TextFormatFlags.NoClipping
    Dim proposedSize As Size = New Size(Integer.MaxValue, Integer.MaxValue)
    Dim size As Size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(graphics, text, font, proposedSize, flags)

    ' Create a bitmap
    Dim image As New Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height)
    image.SetResolution(graphics.DpiX, graphics.DpiY)

    Dim strFormat As New StringFormat
    strFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near
    strFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near

    ' Draw the actual text
    Dim g As Graphics = graphics.FromImage(image)
    g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality
    g.TextRenderingHint = Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.AntiAliasGridFit
    g.DrawString(text, font, Brushes.Black, New PointF(0, 0), strFormat)

    ' Find the true boundaries of the glyph
    Dim xs As Integer = 0
    Dim xf As Integer = size.Width - 1
    Dim ys As Integer = 0
    Dim yf As Integer = size.Height - 1

    ' Find left margin
    Do While xs < xf
        For y As Integer = ys To yf
            If image.GetPixel(xs, y).ToArgb <> Color.White.ToArgb Then
                Exit Do
            End If
        xs += 1
    ' Find right margin
    Do While xf > xs
        For y As Integer = ys To yf
            If image.GetPixel(xf, y).ToArgb <> Color.White.ToArgb Then
                Exit Do
            End If
        xf -= 1
    ' Find top margin
    Do While ys < yf
        For x As Integer = xs To xf
            If image.GetPixel(x, ys).ToArgb <> Color.White.ToArgb Then
                Exit Do
            End If
        ys += 1
    ' Find bottom margin
    Do While yf > ys
        For x As Integer = xs To xf
            If image.GetPixel(x, yf).ToArgb <> Color.White.ToArgb Then
                Exit Do
            End If
        yf -= 1

    Return New SizeF(xf - xs + 1, yf - ys + 1)

End Function

答案 2 :(得分:2)

如果它对任何人有帮助,我将回答从smirkingman转换为C#,修复了内存错误(使用 - Dispose)和外部循环中断(没有TODO)。我也在图形(和字体)上使用缩放,所以我也添加了(否则不起作用)。它返回RectangleF,因为我想精确定位文本(使用Graphics.DrawText)。


static class StringMeasurer
    private static SizeF GetScaleTransform(Matrix m)
         3x3 matrix, affine transformation (skew - used by rotation)
         [ X scale,     Y skew,      0 ]
         [ X skew,      Y scale,     0 ]
         [ X translate, Y translate, 1 ]

         indices (0, ...): X scale, Y skew, Y skew, X scale, X translate, Y translate
        return new SizeF(m.Elements[0], m.Elements[3]);

    public static RectangleF MeasureString(Graphics graphics, Font f, string s)
        //copy only scale, not rotate or transform
        var scale = GetScaleTransform(graphics.Transform);

        // Get initial estimate with MeasureText
        //TextFormatFlags flags = TextFormatFlags.Left | TextFormatFlags.NoClipping;
        //Size proposedSize = new Size(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
        //Size size = TextRenderer.MeasureText(graphics, s, f, proposedSize, flags);
        SizeF sizef = graphics.MeasureString(s, f);
        sizef.Width *= scale.Width;
        sizef.Height *= scale.Height;
        Size size = sizef.ToSize();

        int xLeft = 0;
        int xRight = size.Width - 1;
        int yTop = 0;
        int yBottom = size.Height - 1;

        // Create a bitmap
        using (Bitmap image = new Bitmap(size.Width, size.Height))
            image.SetResolution(graphics.DpiX, graphics.DpiY);

            StringFormat strFormat = new StringFormat();
            strFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
            strFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Near;

            // Draw the actual text
            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(image))
                g.SmoothingMode = graphics.SmoothingMode;
                g.TextRenderingHint = graphics.TextRenderingHint;
                g.ScaleTransform(scale.Width, scale.Height);
                g.DrawString(s, f, Brushes.Black, new PointF(0, 0), strFormat);
            // Find the true boundaries of the glyph

            // Find left margin
            for (;  xLeft < xRight; xLeft++)
                for (int y = yTop; y <= yBottom; y++)
                    if (image.GetPixel(xLeft, y).ToArgb() != Color.White.ToArgb())
                        goto OUTER_BREAK_LEFT;

            // Find right margin
            for (; xRight > xLeft; xRight--)
                for (int y = yTop; y <= yBottom; y++)
                    if (image.GetPixel(xRight, y).ToArgb() != Color.White.ToArgb())
                        goto OUTER_BREAK_RIGHT;

            // Find top margin
            for (; yTop < yBottom; yTop++)
                for (int x = xLeft; x <= xRight; x++)
                    if (image.GetPixel(x, yTop).ToArgb() != Color.White.ToArgb())
                        goto OUTER_BREAK_TOP;
        OUTER_BREAK_TOP: ;

            // Find bottom margin
            for (; yBottom > yTop; yBottom-- )
                for (int x = xLeft; x <= xRight; x++)
                    if (image.GetPixel(x, yBottom).ToArgb() != Color.White.ToArgb())
                        goto OUTER_BREAK_BOTTOM;

        var pt = new PointF(xLeft, yTop);
        var sz = new SizeF(xRight - xLeft + 1, yBottom - yTop + 1);
        return new RectangleF(pt.X / scale.Width, pt.Y / scale.Height,
            sz.Width / scale.Width, sz.Height / scale.Height);

答案 3 :(得分:1)


 const TextFormatFlags _textFormatFlags = TextFormatFlags.NoPadding | TextFormatFlags.NoPrefix | TextFormatFlags.PreserveGraphicsClipping;
 // Retrieve width
 int width = TextRenderer.MeasureText(element.Currency, Currencyfont, new Size(short.MaxValue, short.MaxValue), _textFormatFlags).Width + 1;

 // Retrieve height
 int _tempHeight1 = TextRenderer.MeasureText("_", Currencyfont).Height;
 int _tempHeight2 = (int)Math.Ceiling(Currencyfont.GetHeight());
 int height = Math.Max(_tempHeight1, _tempHeight2) + 1;

答案 4 :(得分:0)



答案 5 :(得分:-1)



答案 6 :(得分:-1)

尝试此解决方案: (发现于


static public int MeasureDisplayStringWidth(Graphics graphics, string text, Font font)
    System.Drawing.StringFormat format  = new System.Drawing.StringFormat ();
    System.Drawing.RectangleF   rect    = new System.Drawing.RectangleF(0, 0, 1000, 1000);
    var ranges  = new System.Drawing.CharacterRange(0, text.Length);
    System.Drawing.Region[] regions = new System.Drawing.Region[1];

    format.SetMeasurableCharacterRanges (new[] {ranges});

    regions = graphics.MeasureCharacterRanges (text, font, rect, format);
    rect    = regions[0].GetBounds (graphics);

    return (int)(rect.Right + 1.0f);