updateDeleteField : String -> Model -> Model
updateDeleteField key model =
keyhyphenindex =
String.indexes "-" key
realKeyHyphenIndex =
case (List.head keyhyphenindex) of
Nothing ->
Debug.crash "Missing hyphen in expandable form deletion process"
Just x ->
keyPrehyphen =
(String.slice 0 realKeyHyphenIndex key) ++ "-"
countName =
Debug.log "name of the count variable:" (keyPrehyphen ++ "count")
removeResponse =
Debug.log "remove the deleted item:" (killResponse model key)
reduceCount =
Debug.log "reduce the count:" (setResponse removeResponse countName (toString ((getResponseInt removeResponse countName 0) - 1)))
-- Integrity bubble: check if we've reached the end of the list, if so we're done
checkInteg value m =
if value >= ((getResponseInt m countName 0)) then
Debug.log "Completing.." m
-- Name of the current item
active =
Debug.log "active" (keyPrehyphen ++ (toString value))
-- Name of the next item
next =
Debug.log "next" (keyPrehyphen ++ (toString (value + 1)))
case (Dict.get active m.character) of
-- If the current item is not missing, recurse onto the rest of the numbers
Just x ->
Debug.log ("Active is ok so moving on to " ++ (toString (value + 1))) (checkInteg (value + 1) m)
-- If the current item is missing, look at the next one
Nothing ->
case (Dict.get next m.character) of
-- If the next one is present, move it down to fill the current gap, then recurse
Just higher ->
Debug.log ("Active is missing, bubbling" ++ next ++ " to " ++ active)
(checkInteg (value) (setResponse (killResponse m next) active higher))
-- That being missing too should be impossible since only one thing can be deleted at a time
Nothing ->
Debug.crash ("More than one form item deleted at once? " ++ active ++ " unset, so is " ++ next ++ ", deleted key is " ++ key)
checkInteg 1 reduceCount
type alias Model =
{ character : Dict String String ... }
getResponse : Model -> String -> Maybe String
getResponse model key =
Dict.get key model.character
setResponse : Model -> String -> String -> Model
setResponse model key value =
char = model.character
{ model | character = Dict.insert key value char }
killResponse : Model -> String -> Model
killResponse model key =
char = model.character
{ model | character = Dict.remove key char }
getResponseInt : Model -> String -> Int -> Int
getResponseInt model key default =
case (Dict.get key model.character) of
Nothing -> default
Just x -> case (toInt x) of
Err _ -> default
Ok i -> i