
时间:2016-06-29 14:52:22

标签: php css3 behat mink

我有一个div,有两个类,如When I click element with class "button"  当我点击这个课程时,我将重定向到一个页面。我的问题是如何在behat / mink中执行代码 我试过这个  
/** * @When /^I click element with class "([^"]*)"$/ */ public function iClickElementWithClass($class) { $locator = ".$class"; $element = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', $locator); if (null === $element) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Could not evaluate CSS selector: "%s"', $locator)); } $element->click(); $this->getSession()->wait(1000); } 但是它不起作用。

$ bin/behat features/cap_dutch_booking.feature
Feature: Contact form Navigation and Submission
  In order to check booking form
  As an anonymous user
  I should to be able to submit the booking form

  Scenario: Submission of booking form with proper data # features\cap_dutch_booking.feature:8
    Given I am on homepage                              # FeatureContext::iAmOnHomepage()
    When I click "Opleidingen"                          # FeatureContext::assertClick()
    And I click "BIM"                                   # FeatureContext::assertClick()
    And I click "BISL® Foundation"                      # FeatureContext::assertClick()
    When I click element with id "edit-submit--3"       # FeatureContext::iClickElementWithId()
    And I should be on "/trainingen/bisl-foundation"    # FeatureContext::assertPageAddress()
    When I click element with class "button"            # FeatureContext::iClickElementWithClass()
    And I should be on "/cart"                          # FeatureContext::assertPageAddress()
      Current page is "/trainingen/bisl-foundation", but "/cart" expected.

1 scenario (1 failed)
8 steps (7 passed, 1 failed)

请找到错误消息(不导航到下一页“/ cart”)。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


尝试删除$ locator ="。$ class&#34 ;;并使用.class1.class2作为参数。 你也应该尝试点击链接而不是div。

 * @Then /^I click "(?P<selector>[^"]*)"$/
public function iClick($locator){
    $element = $this->getSession()->getPage()->find('css', $locator);

    if($element === null){
        throw new Exception("Element $locator not found");




.class1.class2 a[href*=cart]


点击&#34; [href * = cart]&#34; 要么 我点击&#34; .class1.class2 a [href * = cart]&#34;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


When I click element with xpath "//div[contains(@class,'button') and contains(@class,'btn2')]/a"

/** Click on the element with the provided xpath query
 * @Given /^I click on the element with xpath "([^"]*)"$/
 * @Given /^I click on element with xpath "([^"]*)"$/
 * @Given /^I click element with xpath "([^"]*)"$/
public function iClickOnTheElementWithXPath($xpath)
    $session = $this->getMainContext()->getSession(); // get the mink session
    $element = $session->getPage()->find(
        $session->getSelectorsHandler()->selectorToXpath('xpath', $xpath)

    // errors must not pass silently
    if (null === $element)
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Could not evaluate XPath: "%s"', $xpath));

    // ok, let's click on it
