
时间:2016-06-29 11:31:50

标签: r hierarchy treemap

目标:使用不同层次结构级别的自定义聚合值将数据转换为树数据结构,以作为r的highcharter包的输入,以创建交互式{{1 }}





> dput(df)
structure(list(Costcenter = c("N1", "N1", "N1", "N1", "N1", "N1", 
"N1", "N1", "N2", "N2", "N2", "N2", "N2", "N2", "N3", "N3", "N4", 
"N5", "N5", "N6"), Vendor = c("L2", "L2", "L2", "L2", "L2", "L2", 
"L2", "L2", "L1", "L2", "L2", "L2", "L3", "L3", "L2", "L2", "L2", 
"L2", "L2", "L2"), absDiff = c(103.0776, 37.9086, 269.7629, 6.0888, 
515.388, 27.2604, 27.2604, 6.3608, 4.5434, 88.5966, 982.2193, 
139.4249, 0.5452, 722.9811, 130.3381, 147.8434, 271.8786, 88.5966, 
327.4065, 366.564), value = c(103.0776, 37.9086, 269.7629, 6.0888, 
515.388, 27.2604, 27.2604, 6.3608, 4.5434, 88.5966, 982.2193, 
139.4249, 0.5452, 722.9811, 130.3381, 147.8434, 271.8786, 88.5966, 
327.4065, 366.564), Tool = c("M1", "M2", "M4", "M5", "M6", "M9", 
"M10", "M11", "M8", "M5", "M9", "M10", "M3", "M7", "M4", "M5", 
"M5", "M5", "M10", "M5")), .Names = c("Costcenter", "Vendor", 
"absDiff", "value", "Tool"), row.names = c(NA, -20L), class = "data.frame")

此代码适用于较小的数据集。但是,当我的数据进入100个节点时,运行时最长可达70秒。我已经确定了 #specify the tree hierarchy df$pathString <- paste("Root" ,df$Costcenter, df$Vendor, df$Tool, sep = "/") library("data.tree") s <- as.Node(df ,mode="table") #<-performance problem #create values for parent nodes, by aggregation of children values s$Do(function(node) node$value <- Aggregate(node , attribute = "value", aggFun = sum), traversal = "post-order") # assign ids to all nodes s$Set(id = 1:s$totalCount) # calculate parent ids for all children, using parent1 as parent is system reserved by data.tree s$Set(parent1 = c(function(self) GetAttribute(self$parent, "id", format = identity))) #copy the data tree structure to a data.frame test <- ToDataFrameTree(s,"value", "level", "id","parent1")#<-performance problem test <- data.table(test) test[,parent:= as.character(parent1)] # parent and ids should be of character for highcharts test[,id:=as.character(id)] # parent and ids should be of character for highcharts test[,value:= as.numeric(trimws(value))] library(rCharts) #convert each row to a list list <- toJSONArray2(test,FALSE) library(highcharter) highchart() %>% hc_add_series( type = "treemap", layoutAlgorithm = "squarified", allowDrillToNode = TRUE, levels = list( list( level = 1, dataLabels = list( enabled = TRUE ), borderWidth = 3 ), list( level = 2, dataLabels = list( enabled = TRUE ), borderWidth = 2 ) ), data= list ) as.node()函数所关注的领域。请帮我关闭运行时。提前谢谢。

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