
时间:2016-06-29 09:06:53

标签: asp.net-mvc-4 azure active-directory office365 azure-web-sites

我们正在做Office 365 with asp.net mvc,在这个例子中适用于本地系统,(我们正在使用VS2015),当我发布到azure web应用程序时,它已成功发布。 打开URL后,单击“电子邮件”按钮转到登录页面并输入其成功登录的凭据并重定向到邮件页面,现在它显示一些错误消息,但本地工作正常。


 Oops you've reached an error!
We weren't able to process the action you requested. This was caused by an exception in the below table: 
Exception   Cause   Action
AdalException   This exception is thrown when either you have a stale O365 access token that can cause authentication errors, or you attempted to access a resource that you don't have permissions to access.  

You'll may need to refresh the access token. Try signing out and signing back in to the app again, or refreshing the session Click here.

Make sure the app is configured with the correct service permissions in the Services Manager menu. If any of these permissions are not configured, or configured incorrectly, some parts of the app may throw an error. For example  Right click the project, select Connected Service..., and ensure the following permissions are set for this app:

    (Calendar) – Have full access to users’ calendar and Read users' calendar
    (Contacts) – Have full access to users’ contacts and Read users' contacts
    (Mail) - Send mail as a user, Read and write access to users' mail, and Read users' mail
    (Users and Groups) – Enable sign-on and read users’ profiles.

谢谢, 赫马斯

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