阅读登录Travis CI的详细测试

时间:2016-06-28 08:20:49

标签: r logging travis-ci testthat

我正在an R project is tested with Travis CI工作。当我在本地运行testthat测试时,所有测试都通过。当这些测试在Travis CI上运行时,一些测试失败了。




Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
  OK: 825 SKIPPED: 0 FAILED: 9
  1. Error: one posterior is added (@test-add_posteriors.R#44) 
  2. Error: two posteriors are added (@test-add_posteriors.R#116) 
  3. Error: three posteriors are added, middle is deleted and added again (@test-add_posteriors.R#197) 
  4. Error: alignment_to_beast_posterior: basic (@test-alignment_to_beast_posterior.R#28) 
  5. Error: are_identical_posteriors: use from local simulation (@test-are_identical_posteriors.R#58) 
  6. Error: do_simulation: use (@test-do_simulation.R#22) 
  7. Error: do_test_simulations: create exact replicate (@test-do_test_simulations.R#9) 
  8. Error: get_posteriors: add one (@test-get_posteriors.R#55) 
  9. Error: get_posteriors: add two (@test-get_posteriors.R#98) 

  Error: testthat unit tests failed
  Execution halted

我没有看到'底部' Travis CI上的错误消息。我在这里举了一个例子,所以你知道我希望看到什么:

Failed -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Failure: alignment is added (@test-add_alignments.R#49) ---------------------
add_alignments(filename, verbose = TRUE) did not throw an error.



Last 13 lines of output:
  2: alignment_to_beast_posterior(alignment_dnabin = alignment, base_filename = basefilename, 
         mcmc_chainlength = mcmc_chainlength, rng_seed = new_seed, skip_if_output_present = skip_if_output_present, 
         verbose = verbose)
  3: stop("alignment_to_beast_posterior: ", "file '", beast_trees_filename, "' should have been created")

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