我已经开始了一些...我在Mac上使用Python 2.7.5的程序......
import random
import time
name = raw_input("Hello, What's your name?")
print "Welcome," ,name, "Time to play Catch 21!"
tries = 0
tries_remaining = 10
while tries < 10:
tries += 1
tries_remaining -= 1
from time import sleep
total = 0
for i in range(10):
total = total + random()
print total
while True:
print "Your card is"
values = ["2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"]
print"Do you want to keep or delete this card?"
card = raw_input("K = Keep. D = Delete. ")
from time import sleep
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import random
values = [] # list to hold accepted values
for _ in range(10): # aka "do the following ten times"
card_value = random.randint(1,10) # draw a number
values.append(card_value) # store it on the list
# or just 'values.append(random.randint(1,10))'
# values is now something like [1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 10, 8, 5, 9, 10]
import random
values = [] # list to hold accepted values
# give the player 10 tries
for _ in range(10): # aka "do the following ten times"
card_value = random.randint(1, 10) # pick a card and remember it, we need it several times
print("Draw: %2d. Do you want to keep or delete this card?" % card_value) # show card
keep_delete = raw_input("K = Keep. D = Delete.")
if keep_delete == "K": # wants to keep the card...
values.append(card_value) # ...so we store it on the list
print("Added %2d." % card_value)
else: # let's ignore checking ALL variants of wrong input in this example
print("Discarded %2d." % card_value)
print("Current sum: %2d" % sum(values)) # sum just sums up all values in values
# At this point, the player has all his/her cards
# check whether player won
if sum(values) == 21:
print("You are winner!!!")
print("You lost :(")
您可以执行更多流量控制,例如检查循环内部是否为sum(values) > 21
import random
available_values = list(range(1, 11)) # all integers from 1 to 10
accepted_values = [] # list to hold accepted values
while available_values: # aka "do the following as long as we have cards"
card_value = available_values.pop(random.randint(len(available_values))) # pop removes the chosen card
values.append(card_value) # store it on the list
# values is now something like [1, 3, 2, 4, 7, 6, 8, 5, 9, 10]
答案 1 :(得分:0)
import random
import time
# name = raw_input("Hello, What's your name?")
# changed this to this:
name = raw_input("Hello, What's your name? ")
print "Welcome," ,name, "Time to play Catch 21!"
tries = 0
# tries_remaining = 10
# you don't need this it's enough to have tries, and tries_remaining can
# be calculated easily at any time, just use 10-tries instead
# you have while loop, than for loop and then again while loop,
# but you need to have only one loop and i think it's best to
# use while loop
while tries < 10:
tries += 1
tries_remaining -= 1
from time import sleep
total = 0
for i in range(10):
total = total + random()
print total
while True:
print "Your card is"
values = ["2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10"]
print"Do you want to keep or delete this card?"
card = raw_input("K = Keep. D = Delete. ")
from time import sleep
# you need to define total before while loop
total = 0
# so I'll copy first and second row
while tries < 10:
tries += 1
# like I said you don't need tries_remaining
# also you don't need from time import sleep because you
# already have import time
# by the way when you use:
# import time then you need to use: time.sleep(2)
# but when you use:
# from time import sleep then you need to use: sleep(2)
# instead of 2 you can use any other number of second
# so total is already defined and now you have to randomize card
# you need to save that value because you will need it later
card = random.randint(1,10)
# same way of importing time applies to importing any module
# so you can use import random or from random import randint
# now you print card and total
print "Your card is", str(card) + ", you have", total, "in total"
# you ask user to keep it or delete it
print"Do you want to keep or delete this card?"
answer = raw_input("K = Keep. D = Delete. ")
# what you are missing in your code is to check what is answer
# and to do what user have chosen
if answer == "K":
# you need to add card to total
total += card
# if answer is "D" you don't have to do anything
# at the end we can use time.sleep, although I think there is no purpose of it
# at the end we can print the score (total)
print "End of game, you have", total, "in total."
import random
import time
name = raw_input("Hello, What's your name? ")
print "Welcome," ,name, "Time to play Catch 21!"
tries = 0
total = 0
while tries < 10:
tries += 1
card = random.randint(1,10)
print "Your card is", str(card) + ", you have", total, "in total"
print"Do you want to keep or delete this card?"
answer = raw_input("K = Keep. D = Delete. ")
if answer == "K":
total += card
print "End of game, you have", total, "in total."