与IE 11

时间:2016-06-27 08:26:06

标签: r d3.js internet-explorer-11 plotly


df = data.frame(a='High',
                info="this text doesn't mean anything and it's only here as a demonstration. You can replace this with anything else
                and I want to somehow wrap this text",
                end = as.Date("31/12/2016","%d/%m/%Y"))
p = plot_ly()

p <- add_trace(p,
                 x = c(df$start[1], df$end[1]),  # x0, x1
                 y = c(1,1),  # y0, y1
                 mode = "lines",
                 line = list(color ="#FF6600", width = 20),
                 showlegend = F,
                 hoverinfo = "text",
                 text = gsub('\\.','.<br>',df$info[1]),
                 evaluate = T
                 #hoverinfo = "value"

RStudio Viewer: enter image description here

IE11: enter image description here

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