nodejs套接字编程 - 发送数据长度

时间:2016-06-26 14:13:31

标签: javascript node.js sockets io

我有一个服务器正在侦听特定端口,并且需要以下方式命令 -




1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我做了一个完全符合你需要的lib:除了在Little Endian中编写4个字节,但它很容易修复)


对于发送消息,比接收要简单得多,您只需要将消息转换为ByteArray并添加一个包含ByteArray + 4大小的整数(4字节Big Endian):

var buffer = new Buffer("Hello World or a JSON String", "binary");

//create a buffer with +4 bytes
var consolidatedBuffer = new Buffer(4 + buffer.length);

//write at the beginning of the buffer, the total size
consolidatedBuffer.writeInt32BE(buffer.length, 0);

//Copy the message buffer to the consolidated buffer at position 4     (after the 4 bytes about the size)
buffer.copy(consolidatedBuffer, 4);

//Send the consolidated buffer
socket.write(consolidatedBuffer, function(err) {
     if (err) console.log(err)




socket.on('data', function(data) {
    console.log("server bytes in:"+data.length);

function receive(socket, data){
    //Create a chunk prop if it does not exist
        socket.chunck = {
            messageSize : 0,
            buffer: new Buffer(0),
            bufferStack: new Buffer(0)
    //store the incoming data
    socket.chunck.bufferStack = Buffer.concat([socket.chunck.bufferStack, data]);
    //this is to check if you have a second message incoming in the tail of the first
    var reCheck = false;
    do {
        reCheck = false;
        //if message size == 0 you got a new message so read the message size (first 4 bytes)
        if (socket.chunck.messageSize == 0 && socket.chunck.bufferStack.length >= 4) {
            socket.chunck.messageSize = socket.chunck.bufferStack.readInt32BE(0);

        //After read the message size (!= 0) and the bufferstack is completed and/or the incoming data contains more data (the next message)
        if (socket.chunck.messageSize != 0 && socket.chunck.bufferStack.length >= socket.chunck.messageSize + 4) {
            var buffer = socket.chunck.bufferStack.slice(4, socket.chunck.messageSize + 4);
            socket.chunck.messageSize = 0;
            socket.chunck.bufferStack = socket.chunck.bufferStack.slice(buffer.length + 4);
            onMessage(socket, buffer);
            //if the stack contains more data after read the entire message, maybe you got a new message, so it will verify the next 4 bytes and so on...
            reCheck = socket.chunck.bufferStack.length > 0;
    } while (reCheck);

function onMessage(socket, buffer){
    console.log("message received from: "+socket+" with data:"+data.toString()+");