biwavelet包:" cex.axis"不在plot.biwavelet()中工作;一个bug?

时间:2016-06-25 03:12:52

标签: r plot biwavelet


t1 <- cbind(1:100, rnorm(100))
t2 <- cbind(1:100, rnorm(100))
# Continuous wavelet transform
wt.t1 <- wt(t1)
par(oma = c(0, 0.5, 0, 0), mar = c(4, 2, 2, 4))
plot(wt.t1,plot.cb = T,plot.phase = T,type = 'power.norm',
 xlab = 'Time(year)',ylab = 'Period(year)',mgp=c(2,1,0),
 main='Winter station 1',cex.main=0.8,cex.lab=0.8,cex.axis=0.8)


一个月前该网站上有一个上一个问题:Wavelets plot: changing x-, y- axis, and color plot,但尚未解决。这次有帮助吗?谢谢!

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



my.plot.biwavelet <- function (x, ncol = 64, fill.cols = NULL, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Period", 
    tol = 1, plot.cb = FALSE, plot.phase = FALSE, type = "power.corr.norm", 
    plot.coi = TRUE, lwd.coi = 1, col.coi = "white", lty.coi = 1, 
    alpha.coi = 0.5, plot.sig = TRUE, lwd.sig = 4, col.sig = "black", 
    lty.sig = 1, bw = FALSE, legend.loc = NULL, legend.horiz = FALSE, 
    arrow.len = min(par()$pin[2]/30, par()$pin[1]/40), arrow.lwd = arrow.len * 
        0.3, arrow.cutoff = 0.9, arrow.col = "black", xlim = NULL, 
    ylim = NULL, zlim = NULL, xaxt = "s", yaxt = "s", form = "%Y", cex.axis = 1,
    ...)  {
         if (is.null(fill.cols)) {
             if (bw) {
                fill.cols <- c("black", "white")
            else {
                fill.cols <- c("#00007F", "blue", "#007FFF", 
                  "cyan", "#7FFF7F", "yellow", "#FF7F00", "red", 
        col.pal <- colorRampPalette(fill.cols)
        fill.colors <- col.pal(ncol)
        types <- c("power.corr.norm", "power.corr", "power.norm", 
            "power", "wavelet", "phase")
        type <- match.arg(tolower(type), types)
        if (type == "power.corr" | type == "power.corr.norm") {
            if (x$type == "wtc" | x$type == "xwt") {
                x$power <- x$power.corr
                x$wave <- x$wave.corr
            else {
                x$power <- x$power.corr
         if (type == "power.norm" | type == "power.corr.norm") {
            if (x$type == "xwt") {
                zvals <- log2(x$power)/(x$d1.sigma * x$d2.sigma)
                if (is.null(zlim)) {
                   zlim <- range(c(-1, 1) * max(zvals))
                zvals[zvals < zlim[1]] <- zlim[1]
                locs <- pretty(range(zlim), n = 5)
                leg.lab <- 2^locs
            else if (x$type == "wtc" | x$type == "pwtc") {
                zvals <- x$rsq
                zvals[!is.finite(zvals)] <- NA
                if (is.null(zlim)) {
                  zlim <- range(zvals, na.rm = TRUE)
                zvals[zvals < zlim[1]] <- zlim[1]
                locs <- pretty(range(zlim), n = 5)
                leg.lab <- locs
            else {
                zvals <- log2(abs(x$power/x$sigma2))
                if (is.null(zlim)) {
                  zlim <- range(c(-1, 1) * max(zvals))
                zvals[zvals < zlim[1]] <- zlim[1]
                locs <- pretty(range(zlim), n = 5)
                leg.lab <- 2^locs
        else if (type == "power" | type == "power.corr") {
            zvals <- log2(x$power)
            if (is.null(zlim)) {
                zlim <- range(c(-1, 1) * max(zvals))
            zvals[zvals < zlim[1]] <- zlim[1]
            locs <- pretty(range(zlim), n = 5)
            leg.lab <- 2^locs
        else if (type == "wavelet") {
            zvals <- (Re(x$wave))
            if (is.null(zlim)) {
                zlim <- range(zvals)
            locs <- pretty(range(zlim), n = 5)
            leg.lab <- locs
        else if (type == "phase") {
            zvals <- x$phase
            if (is.null(zlim)) {
                zlim <- c(-pi, pi)
            locs <- pretty(range(zlim), n = 5)
            leg.lab <- locs
        if (is.null(xlim)) {
            xlim <- range(x$t)
        yvals <- log2(x$period)
        if (is.null(ylim)) {
            ylim <- range(yvals)
        else {
             ylim <- log2(ylim)
        image(x$t, yvals, t(zvals), zlim = zlim, xlim = xlim, 
             ylim = rev(ylim), xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, yaxt = "n", 
             xaxt = "n", col = fill.colors, ...)
         if (class(x$xaxis)[1] == "Date" | class(x$xaxis)[1] == 
              "POSIXct") {
             if (xaxt != "n") {
                  xlocs <- pretty(x$t) + 1
                 axis(side = 1, at = xlocs, labels = format(x$xaxis[xlocs], 
         else {
              if (xaxt != "n") {
                xlocs <- axTicks(1)
                axis(side = 1, at = xlocs, cex.axis = cex.axis)
        if (yaxt != "n") {
            axis.locs <- axTicks(2)
            yticklab <- format(2^axis.locs, dig = 1)
            axis(2, at = axis.locs, labels = yticklab, cex.axis = cex.axis)
         if (plot.coi) {
             polygon(x = c(x$t, rev(x$t)), lty = lty.coi, lwd = lwd.coi, 
                  y = c(log2(x$coi), rep(max(log2(x$coi), na.rm = TRUE), 
                  length(x$coi))), col = adjustcolor(col.coi, 
                  alpha.f = alpha.coi), border = col.coi)
         if (plot.sig & length(x$signif) > 1) {
             if (x$type %in% c("wt", "xwt")) {
                 contour(x$t, yvals, t(x$signif), level = tol, 
                  col = col.sig, lwd = lwd.sig, add = TRUE, drawlabels = FALSE)
             else {
                 tmp <- x$rsq/x$signif
                 contour(x$t, yvals, t(tmp), level = tol, col = col.sig, 
                   lwd = lwd.sig, add = TRUE, drawlabels = FALSE)
         if (plot.phase) {
             a <- x$phase
             locs.phases <- which(zvals < quantile(zvals, arrow.cutoff))
             a[locs.phases] <- NA
              phase.plot(x$t, log2(x$period), a, arrow.len = arrow.len, 
                 arrow.lwd = arrow.lwd, arrow.col = arrow.col)
          if (plot.cb) {
              fields::image.plot(x$t, yvals, t(zvals), zlim = zlim, ylim = rev(range(yvals)), 
                  xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = fill.colors, 
                 smallplot = legend.loc, horizontal = legend.horiz, 
                legend.only = TRUE, axis.args = list(at = locs, 
                    labels = format(leg.lab, dig = 2)), xpd = NA)


t1 <- cbind(1:100, rnorm(100))
t2 <- cbind(1:100, rnorm(100))
# Continuous wavelet transform
wt.t1 <- wt(t1)
par(oma = c(0, 0.5, 0, 0), mar = c(4, 2, 2, 4))
my.plot.biwavelet(wt.t1,plot.cb = T,plot.phase = T,type = 'power.norm',
   xlab = 'Time(year)',ylab = 'Period(year)',mgp=c(2,1,0),
   main='Winter station 1',cex.main=0.8,cex.lab=0.8,cex.axis=0.8)






  1. image(..., xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")用于生成基本情节;
  2. axis(1, at = atTicks(1)); axis(2, at = atTicks(2))用于添加轴;
  3. fields::image.plot()用于显示颜色图例条。
  4. 现在,虽然此功能需要...,但它们只会被送到第一个image()来电,而以下axis()(包括polygon(), contour(),{ {1}})phase.plot()不接受image.plot()。稍后调用...时,不支持关于轴控制的灵活规范。

    我猜在包开发期间遇到了问题:Giving arguments from “…” argument to right function in R。也许作者没有意识到这个潜在的问题,留下了一个错误。我对该帖子的回答以及罗兰的评论指出了一个强有力的解决方案。


答案 1 :(得分:1)


您可以通过在biwavelet控制台发出以下命令从GitHub下载R的新版本(0.20.8)(假设您已安装了包devtools ):devtools::install_github("tgouhier/biwavelet")
